Based on the 2017 Belgian series titled ‘(Hotel) Beau Séjour’ by Bert Van Dael and Sanne Nuyens, The CW’s ‘The Rising’ is a British crime thriller drama series created by Van Dael and Nuyens alongside the co-creators Pete McTighe and Charlotte Wolf. The narrative centers upon a young girl named Neve Kelly who finds out that she is not only dead but has been murdered, possibly at the hands of someone she knew. After gaining consciousness in the afterlife, she is driven by her determination to find her killer and avenge herself.
As if things weren’t already surreal enough for her, Neve also discovers that she is capable of interfering with the world around her and interacting with certain people. She makes the most of these abilities and grows close to one particular individual. Starring Matthew McNulty, Clara Rugaard, Rebecca Root, Emily Taaffe, and Alex Lanipekun, the supernatural series takes place in a myriad of different geographical sites, including lush mountains, open waters, and dense woods. The fast transition in these locations is matched by the pacy storyline, keeping the viewers hooked through each episode and guessing about the actual filming sites. If you are one such curious soul, we have got you covered!
The Rising: Where Was it Filmed?
‘The Rising’ is filmed in its entirety in England, especially in the Lake District, Greater Manchester, and Cheshire. Principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the thriller show reportedly commenced in May 2021 and wrapped up in early October of the same year. Now, without much ado, allow us to fill you in on all the details regarding the specific locations of The CW series!
Lake District, England
Given its stunning imagery and picturesque landscape, the Lake District serves as one of the primary production locations for ‘The Rising.’ Also known as the Lakes or Lakeland, it is a mountainous region in North West England, which is popular for its lakes, mountains, and forests, and is utilized by the production team for shooting purposes. In particular, the market town of Keswick, located in the northern Lake District, and the lake of Derwentwater, which is just south of Keswick, are a couple of locations where some important scenes for the show are shot.
Greater Manchester, England
The filming unit of ‘The Rising’ also travels to the city and metropolitan borough of Manchester, which is a part of the county of Greater Manchester, to lens several key portions of the series. They reportedly make the most of the facilities of Space Studios Manchester (previously known as The Space Project) on Vaughan Street.
Opened in October 2014, the film studio is home to six different “spaces” that cover more than 85,000 square feet of area, production offices, dressing rooms, makeup facilities, showers/washrooms, and onsite laundry. All these amenities make Space Studios Manchester a suitable filming site for different kinds of productions, including ‘The Rising.’ The town of Bolton, which is surrounded by numerous towns and villages, also serves as one of the production locations for the series.
Other Locations in England
For shooting purposes, the cast and crew members of ‘The Rising’ also set up camp on location in other locations across England. Additional portions involving the green pastures are taped in the upland area of the Peak District, which is situated at the southern end of the Pennines. Moreover, the locales of the village and civil parish of Rainow in Cheshire feature in the Clara Rugaard starrer as well.
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