Created by Lex Borrero, Disney+’s ‘The Montaners’ (originally titled ‘Los Montaner’) is a documentary reality series that gives us a glimpse into the lives of the Montaners, the most influential and prominent family in the Latin music industry. With more than 160 million combined social media audiences and over eight billion views on their video content, the Montaner clan — Ricardo, Marlene Rodriguez, Mau, Ricky, and Evaluna, and their significant others Camilo Echeverry, Sara Escobar, and Stefi Roitman — lets us in on even their intimate moments.
Moreover, the docuseries focuses on the personal and professional lives of the Montaners even more by providing additional behind-the-scenes content. While the success and drama surrounding the family keeps the viewers entertained through each episode, the constant change in locations as they travel around the world makes one wonder where ‘The Montaners’ is shot. Now, if you are one such curious soul, allow us to fill you in on all the details about the same!
The Montaners: Where Was it Filmed?
‘The Montaners’ is filmed in Florida, Argentina, Nevada, and New York, specifically in Miami, Buenos Aires, Las Vegas, and New York City. The principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the reality series commenced in April 2021 and seemingly wrapped up in early 2022. Without much ado, let’s look at all the specific sites that appear in the Disney+ show!
Miami, Florida
The production team of ‘The Montaners’ started shooting for the debut season of the series in Miami, Florida’s second most populous city. Situated in Miami-Dade County in South Florida, it is a significant center in various sectors, such as arts, finance, commerce, culture, and international trade.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
As per reports, several important scenes for ‘The Montaners’ are lensed in and around Buenos Aires, Argentina’s capital and primate city. Located on the western shore of the Río de la Plata, the city is famous for its rich cultural life and preserved eclectic European architecture.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Some pivotal sequences for ‘The Montaners’ are also taped in Las Vegas, the most populous city in Nevada. The Latin Grammy Awards scenes in the first season were specifically recorded in MGM Grand Garden Arena at 3799 South Las Vegas Boulevard. Situated in Clark County, Las Vegas is internationally renowned for its gambling, shopping, entertainment, nightlife, and fine dining.
New York City, New York
Additional portions of ‘The Montaners’ are lensed in and around New York City, the most populous and densely populated major city in the United States. Also known as the Big Apple, it significantly influences entertainment, art, politics, sports, education, tourism, and research, to name a few.
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