‘The Price is Right at Night’ is a spin-off of the popular television show titled ‘The Price is Right’ based on a game show franchise of the same name, where contestants have to guess the exact price of an item in order to win cash prizes. Since its premiere in 1972, it has been devoured by audiences on a worldwide level. Host Drew Carey and announcer George Gray take charge of the long-running show as contestants, including celebrities, compete to win.
Spanning multiple seasons, the show is often touted as one of the greatest game shows of all time. Besides straying away from the standard game show format, the series takes place in an attractive and colorful setup that keeps the viewer engaged at all times. If you want to know where ‘The Price is Right’ is particularly shot, we’d like to disclose everything we know about it!
The Price is Right at Night Filming Locations
‘The Price is Right at Night’ is filmed in the southern California city of Los Angeles. The first season seems to have been filmed around March 2019, following which the second edition could have taken place in late 2020. The third installment was possibly shot in the second half of 2021. If you’re curious to know where the setup of the game show is located, we have news for you!
Los Angeles, California
‘The Price is Right at Night’ is filmed in Studio 33 in CBS Television City, situated in Los Angeles, just like the rest of the franchise. The location is also popularly known as Bob Barker Studio. It specifically lies at 7800 Beverly Boulevard, Fairfax in Hollywood. The studio opened in 1952, and its design is credited to architects William Pereira and Charles Luckman. The property comprises 8 separate studios but Studio 33 is said to be the home of ‘The Price Is Right’ and the HBO late-night talk show titled ‘Real Time with Bill Maher.’
The soundstage also hosted the production of ‘The Carol Burnett Show’ from 1967 to 1978 and ‘The Red Skelton Show.’ Moreover, Studio 33 only welcomes audiences provided they follow a set of exclusive guidelines. For instance, all the members must be at least 18 years of age for those days that follow the general format. When a group of 15-25 people arrives to book tickets, they are told to contact the studio’s group department. Groups bookings are also made in advance to make sure that the studio is full during live filming. Host Drew Carey updated his fans, stating that he felt safe on the set.
The spin-off is also popular for its primetime episodes that feature celebrities who compete on behalf of nonprofit organizations. The studio conducted audience-free shows during the Fall of 2020 due to the coronavirus, and the set was remodeled to keep certain protocols in check.
Read More: Where is The Price is Right Filmed?