Created by Jack and Harry Williams, ‘The Tourist’ is a drama thriller series that follows the life of a car crash victim after he wakes up in an Australian hospital without any memories of his past. The protagonist, who has amnesia and is referred to as “the Man,” must use all the clues that he can find in order to discover his identity before his mysterious and supposedly dangerous past catches up with him and affects his present. The mystery series features some brilliant performances from Jamie Dornan, Danielle Macdonald, Damon Herriman, and Shalom Brune-Franklin, making the series all the more interesting.
Apart from the suspenseful narrative and dramatic acting, ‘The Tourist’ also contains some vivid graphics and suitable backdrops spread throughout the narrative to provide the series with more authenticity. It is only natural for you to be curious about the sites used for the filming of the series. Well, we are here to appease your curiosity by filling you in on all the information about the filming locations!
The Tourist Filming Locations
Set in Australia, ‘The Tourist’ is filmed in South Australia so as to keep the narrative look realistic and use the diverse backdrops that the state offers. The production team uses Flinders Ranges, Adelaide, Murray Bridge, Port Augusta, and Peterborough as the major filming sites to capture some stunning backdrops and landscapes for the series.
The principal photography for the first season of this drama series commenced in March 2021 and concluded in July 2021. Over the years, South Australia has hosted the production and filming of various TV shows and movies, such as ‘Escape from Pretoria’ and ‘I Am Mother.’ Now, let’s take a detailed look at the specific locations that are used for the series, shall we?
Adelaide, South Australia
The capital of South Australia, Adelaide, is used for a majority of filming scenes as the show’s lead actor, Jamie Dornan, and the rest of the crew were spotted shooting some sequences around June 2021. The scenes that feature the Frewville Motor Inn were filmed using the backdrops of Adelaide.
Moreover, the sequences where the Man walks along the Kuta-Legian strip in Bali were actually filmed on the beach of North Haven, a northwestern suburb of the capital, made possible by the production team as they built a beach hut on the filming site. Some pivotal scenes were also filmed in the Adelaide Studios, which is located at 226 Fullarton Road in the small suburb of Glenside in Adelaide.
Flinders Ranges, South Australia
For the purpose of filming, the production team especially built a petrol station in the outback of Flinders Ranges, a locality situated in the eponymous mountain range. Originating around 200 km north of Adelaide and stretching over 430 km, the range is featured as the backdrop for various scenes of the show. The sequence wherein the protagonist is driving through the outback and stops to fuel up his vehicle at the gas station was also shot in Flinders Ranges.
Among other locations in the region, the crew also went to the small town of Quorn, located in Flinders Ranges to get in some more shots for the series.
The production team also took a trip to Hawker, which is another small locality in the Flinders Ranges area, to capture a few sequences for ‘The Tourist.’
Willochra, a rural locality in this region, is another filming location that was used as a backdrop by the cast and crew to incorporate more scenes for the show.
The crew also stopped by Kanyaka, located just north of Willochra, to capture additional scenes for the Jamie Dornan-starrer.
While in Kanyaka, there were some scenes filmed in Kanyaka Creek as well.
During their several weeks of shooting in the Flinders Ranges area, the production team also made sure to visit another small town on the eastern side of the Flinders Ranges, Johnburgh, to lense more sequences.
Finally, the filming of the show in the Flinders Ranges area was wrapped up in Willochra after 44 days of traveling to different regions in the locality for the purpose of shooting.
Port Augusta, South Australia
Some portion of the scenes for the inaugural season of ‘The Tourist’ was also filmed in the small city of Port Augusta in Australia. The production team was also seen to be putting out a casting call for extras in this region in March 2021. Located around 322 km north of the state capital, the small city is a former seaport and is inhabited by less than 14,000 people.
Peterborough, South Australia
Peterborough, originally known as Petersburg, is a remote town located right off the Barrier Highway in South Australia. The location was used by the production team to film several episodes of the first season of ‘The Tourist.’ Offering a seemingly harsh landscape, it makes for an ideal destination for filming such an intense and thrilling series as ‘The Tourist.’
Murray Bridge, South Australia
Located just about 78 km east-southeast of the state capital, Murray Bridge also doubled up as one of the filming destinations for the production of the inaugural season of the action thriller series. ‘Twin Rivers’ and ‘Thunderstruck’ are a couple of movies, among so many others, that were filmed in this South Australian city.
Other Locations in South Australia
In addition to the aforementioned locations, Mannum, which is a historic town located on the west bank of the Murray River in the state of South Australia, was used for the production of quite a few scenes.
Moreover, the crew also had Orroroo on their list of filming locations for shooting certain scenes for the series. With a population of under 1000 people, it is a town located in the Yorke and Mid North region of the state.
Read more: The Tourist Ending, Explained
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