Netflix’s ‘Twentysomethings: Austin’ is a reality series that revolves around eight individuals who set out to experience the highs and lows of being an adult while living together in Austin, Texas. Actually, the four boys and the four girls technically reside in side-by-side houses with a shared backyard, but the sense is the same. Thus, by finding support amongst one another in the new city, they navigate everything from friendships and romances to their career and life struggles. So now, if you wish to know more about cast member Abbey Humphreys, in particular, we’ve got you covered.
Who is Abbey Humphreys?
Abbey Humphreys can only be described as an alpha female who has no qualms about saying what’s on her mind and facing the music. As a 26-year-old originally from Houston, Texas, she’s naturally bold and confident, but now she’s also determined to get out of her comfort zone, break her self-destructive patterns, and explore what it means to be bisexual. After all, she is a recent divorcee who was in school for most of her marriage, meaning that she missed out on several experiences. The worst part is that it seems like financially relying upon her partner made Abbey co-dependant.
According to her account in the Netflix show, Abbey had met her now ex-husband at a fast-food restaurant, where they became friends before starting to date. They tied the knot almost a year later (when she was just 20), only to separate in early 2021, leading Abbey to state that she does not recommend marrying young. While she focused on school, she further claimed, her husband’s demanding job took up most of his time, so they simply weren’t happy with each other by the end of their union. Hence, Abbey eventually decided to shake things up and start a new chapter in Austin.
Where is Abbey Humphreys Now?
Abbey Humphreys’ social media platforms suggest that she continues to be around the eclectic capital of Texas and that she recently moved into her very own place — her first in a while. Her professional life is a little bit of a mystery, but the one thing we do know is that she appears content with where she stands today. Abbey had made it clear in the series that even though she has a hard time not catching deeper feelings when she senses a connection with someone, she’s not looking for anything serious. Therefore, it seems as if she’s sticking to that and is still single.
The one (and only) male Abbey often posts about on her Instagram feed and story is her best friend of more than eight years, so there appears to be absolutely no romance involved. In fact, on a “friendiversary” post back in 2020, as seen above, she even updated the caption to confirm the same. It reads, in part, “I did not think I’d have to say this but we are NOT dating, tbh if we did we’d be too powerful.”
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