Based on Dashiell Hammett’s fictitious private detective named Sam Spade, AMC’s ‘Monsieur Spade’ is an American-French neo-noir crime thriller series that chronicles the peaceful life that the legendary Detective Sam Spade leads in the 1960s, in southern France after retiring. As compared to his earlier days as a private detective in San Francisco, he lives a tranquil life that soon gets upended upon the arrival of his old rival. When six nuns get brutally murdered at the local convent, Spade is forced to don his old detective hat and get back to what he does best.
Upon digging into the case, Spade finds out that the murders are connected to a mysterious child with surreal powers. The Scott Frank and Tom Fontana creation features impressive performances from a talented ensemble cast, comprising Clive Owen, Cara Bossom, Denis Ménochet, Louise Bourgoin, and Chiara Mastroianni. Most of the story unfolds in Bozouls, where Spade’s quiet life is disturbed and the action-packed shooting and chasing scenes take place; so, it is natural for one to wonder if ‘Monsieur Spade’ is filmed on location or not.
Monsieur Spade Filming Locations
‘Monsieur Spade’ is filmed in different parts of France, especially in Bozouls, Sauve, Pignan, Auvers-Saint-Georges, and Rodez. As per reports, principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the crime series got underway in October 2022 and went on for a couple of months, before getting wrapped up in December of the same year. Upon the conclusion of the shooting of season 1, Benjamin Duc, who portrays Anatole, shared his experience on social media.
Duc wrote (translated), “…What an adventure, and what great encounters. The one with @rebeccaroot1969 (Rebecca Root) is so sweet, she almost couldn’t have done it! An emotional moment, a sensitive and authentic sharing. I forget so many people, I hope they recognize themselves. Thank you Rebecca, thank you to all the team. Beautiful human beings, it’s really moving. Sharing is a blessing.” Now, let’s delve into all the specific locations that make an appearance in the AMC production!
Bozouls, France
One of the primary production locations of ‘Monsieur Spade’ is Bozouls, a French commune situated in the Aveyron department in the southern portion of the nation. The filming unit reportedly utilizes various streets of the commune to tape several important scenes against suitable backdrops. For instance, the cast and crew were spotted by some onlookers and passersby recording a few sequences for the debut season of the series in and around Canyon dit “Trou de Bozouls” at Place de la Mairie in Bozouls.
Sauve, France
A significant chunk of ‘Monsieur Spade’ is also lensed in the commune of Sauve, which is in France’s Gard department. Although shooting for season 1 commenced in October, the filming unit started setting up camp in September in order to build and install the sets required to begin production. They painted false facades of stores, brought in old vehicles, and adorned the streets accordingly, to create the setting of the 1960s, the era in which the show is set.
Other Locations in France
For the purpose of shooting, the production team of ‘Monsieur Spade’ also travels to other locations across France. In the Occitanie region, Clive Owen and the rest of the crew make the most of the locales of Pignan, a commune in the region’s Hérault department. Furthermore, additional portions of the thriller show are taped in the commune of Auvers-Saint-Georges, which is located in the Essonne department in Île-de-France. The small city and commune of Rodez also hosted the production of ‘Monsieur Spade.’
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