Adapted from the eponymous novel written by Kōtarō Isaka, Netflix’s ‘Goodbye Earth’ is a South Korean science fiction dystopian series that revolves around an impending asteroid strike that would result in an apocalypse. When the reports of an asteroid colliding with Earth in about 200 days surface the news, martial law is declared in the Korean Peninsula as it is predicted to be the collision zone. Chaos and conflict ensue between two sets of people — people who believe the prediction is true and people who doubt it. Moreover, as criminals escape from prison amidst the commotion, crimes and protests in the streets increase at an alarming rate.
In the middle of it all, a determined middle school teacher named Sekyung, along with her friends, continues to fight to keep her former students safe from harm’s way. The thriller series consists of compelling onscreen performances from talented Korean actors, including Ahn Eun-jin, Yoo Ah-in, Jeon Sung-woo, and Kim Yoon-hye. As news of the possibility of an apocalypse disrupts the peace and quiet of the city of Woongcheon, the place becomes another prominent character in itself, helping move the narrative forward.
Where is Goodbye Earth Filmed?
For shooting ‘Goodbye Earth,’ the locales of the capital of South Korea, Seoul, are primarily utilized by the cast and crew members. Reports suggest that the principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the sci-fi show got underway in the summer of 2022. Lasting for about a couple of months, it wrapped up around September of the same year.
Seoul, South Korea
Most of the pivotal sequences for ‘Goodbye Earth’ are reportedly lensed in and around Seoul, officially known as the Seoul Special City. While the production team makes the most of the diverse landscape of the South Korean capital, the expansive campus of Seoul National University of Science and Technology at 232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu in Seoul, serves as one of the prominent filming sites for the apocalyptic series. Also abbreviated as SeoulTech, the comprehensive university is home to six colleges, seven graduate schools, and 23 departments, making it the fifth-largest campus in the universities of Seoul.
Since the show involves visuals of the apocalypse and a post-apocalyptic world, it is highly possible that the filming unit of ‘Goodbye Earth’ sets up camp in one of the many film studios located in and around the city of Seoul. The capital doubles as the fictional city of Woongcheon, as many of its buildings, monuments, and attractions feature in the backdrop of exterior scenes, such as Lotte World, the Lotte World Tower, Gwanghwamun, the Seongsan Bridge, the National Museum of Korea, and Sungnyemun.
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