Written and directed by the Chernin brothers (Dave and John Chernin), Netflix’s ‘Incoming’ revolves around four teenage boys in high school who get a chance of their lifetime when one of their elder brothers plans to throw a huge party in his house. Bullied and made fun of, the four freshmen are the only freshmen invited to the party. So, they have the perfect opportunity to turn things around by joining in on the fun of their seniors and even asking out their senior crushes.
Although the night is filled with fun, there are several mistakes made by the young boys as they go through an eventful night. The teen comedy movie stars a bunch of young and up-and-coming actors, including Mason Thames, Ramon Reed, Raphael Alejandro, Isabella Ferreira, Bardia Seiri, Loren Gray, and Ali Gallo, all of whom elevate the quality of the narrative through their impressive onscreen performances. Since most of the story unfolds in either the fictional Waymont High School or the residence where the party takes place, questions about the actual shooting sites of ‘Incoming’ arise in the minds of the viewers.
Incoming Filming Locations
The shooting for ‘Incoming’ reportedly took place in its entirety in California, especially in the City of Angels — Los Angeles. Key portions were also shot in Thousands Oaks. According to reports, principal photography for the teen film commenced in July 2022 and continued for the next three months or so, before getting wrapped up in October of the same year. After the wrap, Bardia Seiri, who portrays Danah “Koosh” Koushani, shared his experience of filming on social media.
He wrote, “I really loved the cast and crew that worked on this project with me! Especially @johnchernin and Dave Chernin, one of the nicest people i have worked with💜 Not to mention the incredible cast; @masonthamesofficial @raphaelalejandro22 @iamramon.reed. I am really going to miss you all!! Thank you for the memories and I hope we work together soon!! Movie is going to be great.💜🤙 Also a special thanks to @filmsbyartistsroad & @spyglassmediagr.”
Los Angeles, California
The filming unit of ‘Incoming’ shot a significant chunk of pivotal sequences in Los Angeles. Synonymous with the Hollywood industry, the city is situated in Southern California and its neighborhoods and streets were taken over by the cast and crew members during the shooting process. It seems that they even set up camp inside a few actual establishments and residential properties to record several indoor scenes for the comedy movie.
Thousand Oaks, California
Since a significant portion of the movie is set in Waymont High School, the production team naturally scoured through locations to find an ideal educational institution to double for the fictional establishment. Ultimately, Newbury Park High School in Thousand Oaks in Ventura County, California, was chosen to serve as a stand-in for the high school of the four freshmen — Home of the Warriors. Established in 1967, Newbury Park High School is one of the highest-rated schools in the Conejo Valley Unified School District. Naturally, in July 2022, the cast and crew of ‘Incoming’ were spotted filming at the Home of the Panthers, located exactly at 456 North Reino Road in Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks.
Newbury Park High School met all the requirements the production team was looking for to showcase Waymont High School. From the sequence where Benj Nielsen sets his eyes on Bailey to the four freshmen mapping out a plan to navigate the turbulence of their high school life, several scenes were shot on and around the premises of the school. The locals were delighted upon learning about the school’s appearances in the film, and the cast and crew ensured the filming process went on smoothly, likely without any hiccups.
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