Created by Steve Martin and John Hoffman, ‘Only Murders in the Building’ is a comedy series that revolves around a suspicious death in a swanky Manhattan apartment building. In the series, Steve Martin, Selena Gomez, and Martin Short form an unlikely trio of characters brought together under unusual circumstances. The cast lineup includes Amy Ryan, Nathan Lane, Tina Fey, and Sting. Are you curious to know what the show is about and how you can watch it? We’ve got you covered!
What Is Only Murders in the Building About?
‘Only Murders in the Building’ revolves around three strangers, Charles, Oliver, and Mabel Mora, who live in the same building and are obsessed with true crime. Charles is a former TV star, and Oliver is a Broadway director whose career is going downhill. Mabel is a mysterious young woman who joins Charles and Oliver in their new project. Their lives take an interesting turn when their neighbor dies under mysterious circumstances. Convinced that the death is not a suicide, the three of them investigate the matter leading to several misadventures. Naturally, you must be eager to watch the show, and here is all that you need to know about how you can do that.
Is Only Murders in the Building on Netflix?
No, ‘Only Murders in the Building’ is not on Netflix. However, the streaming giant has a lot of exciting content for people who enjoy their crime series with a generous dose of humor. Therefore, shows like ‘Dead to Me’ and ‘The End of the F***ing World’ are right up your alley.
Is Only Murders in the Building on Hulu?
Yes, ‘Only Murders in the Building’ is available on Hulu. The first three episodes premiered on August 31, 2021, at 12 am ET, on Hulu. After its three-episode premiere, the show follows a weekly release pattern, with new episodes landing every Tuesday. The first season is scheduled to wrap up on October 19, 2021, after screening ten episodes.
Is Only Murders in the Building on Amazon Prime Video?
Dark comedy is becoming increasingly popular as it appeals to a wider audience who may not be hardcore fans of crime shows. The humor helps blunt the edges while keeping things interesting. Unfortunately, ‘Only Murders in the Building’ is not a part of the list of shows on Amazon Prime Video that fall in this category. But if you are looking for something similar, you might find series like ‘Monk’ and ‘Psych’ much to your liking.
Where to Watch Only Murders in the Building Online?
‘Only Murders in the Building’ streams on Hulu in the USA and is set to stream internationally on Disney+ as a Star original. New episodes will begin rolling out in select territories on September 3, 2021, on Disney+Hotstar.
Where to Watch Only Murders in the Building for Free?
There are not many options to watch the show to begin with. But fortunately, there is a way you can watch the series for free. The basic plan on Hulu is the most generous as it offers a 30-day free trial with unlimited access to the video library. The basic ad-supported plan for Hulu starts at $5.99 per month or $59.99 for a year. Once the trial period ends, you will have to subscribe to a plan in order to continue watching the TV shows and movies of your choice on the streamer.
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