‘Solar Opposites’ is an adult animated series that revolves around an alien family hailing from a more advanced world than the earth, forced to seek refuge in America. It first premiered on May 8, 2020, and is created by Justin Roiland and Mike McMahan. The series has received an overwhelmingly positive reception, with many critics comparing its humor and style to another show co-created by Roiland, ‘Rick and Morty.’ If you wish to stream this binge-worthy comedy series with heavy doses of meta-humor, here’s where you can watch ‘Solar Opposites.’
What is Solar Opposites About?
In ‘Solar Opposites,’ the alien scientist, Korvo and his family from planet Shlorp crash land on earth after the destruction of their planet. Korvo isn’t happy about living on earth as he deems the culture awful, while his more optimistic partner, Terry, is fascinated by the human culture and finds it awesome. Their child-replicants, Yumyulack and Jesse, try to fit into their new surroundings and also have opposing views on different aspects of the culture. The sometimes dysfunctional family tries to make the best of their time on earth while Korvo tries to fix their space shuttle so they can leave earth.
Is Solar Opposites On Netflix?
Netflix has exponentially added new content across various genres over the last few years, making it the go-to place for all our entertainment needs. Unfortunately, the streaming giant doesn’t offer ‘Solar Opposites’ as a part of its entertainment offerings. If you are looking for a similar option of adult animated comedy with real-world sensibilities, you can stream ‘Bojack Horseman’ (about an anthropomorphic horse and washed-up actor who was a famous TV star in the 1990s) on the service.
Is Solar Opposites On Amazon Prime?
‘Solar Opposites’ isn’t included in the titles the service offers as a part of its subscription. You can still purchase the show on-demand on Amazon Prime. Additionally, if you’d like to watch a similar animated comedy about two characters with opposite personalities, we recommend ‘Rocky and Bullwinkle,’ which follows the titular goofy friends who stir up trouble everywhere they go but eventually save the day.
Is Solar Opposites On Hulu?
‘Solar Opposites’ is a Hulu Original series and all episodes of the show are available on the streaming service. You can watch it with a subscription to Hulu.
Where to Watch Solar Opposites Online?
You can also stream ‘Solar Opposites’ by buying the show on-demand on VOD platforms such as Vudu, iTunes, Google Play, Microsoft Store, and YouTube.
How to Stream Solar Opposites For Free?
As mentioned above, ‘Solar Opposites’ is available to stream on Hulu. Folks looking to watch the show online without having to spend a few bucks can easily do so by signing up for a 30-day free trial of Hulu.
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