Directed by John Singleton, ‘Abduction’ is an action thriller movie of hair-raising tension. The film follows a teenager who feels like an outcast in his own home. After coming across his baby photo on a list of missing persons on the internet, the protagonist sets out on a journey to unveil the past. The film features Taylor Lautner (of ‘Twilight’ fame) in the lead role. Modeled upon a bland script, the film does not stand out of the crowd but it still may please genre fans due to some well-choreographed action sequences. The family of the protagonist leads an idyllic life in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, which is soon disrupted by a sinister turn of events. If, after watching the film, you are wondering about the locations where the film was shot, let us guide you to the destinations.
Abduction Filming Locations
‘Abduction’ was filmed in its entirety in the US, especially in Pennsylvania. Filming commenced on July 12, 2010, and was wrapped up by September 22, 2010. The production company Lionsgate previously filmed a bunch of productions including ‘My Bloody Valentine 3D’ in Pennsylvania, and they convinced the filming crew to set production in the region due to the lucrative tax credit program promoted by the state government. The tax credit entails a 25 percent reduction in taxes for eligible film and television productions set in the region. Let us now take you to the specific locations where the film was shot!
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Major parts of the film were shot in and around Pittsburgh, a major city in Allegheny County that is known to be the industrial capital of Pennsylvania.
In a fast-paced chase scene, Lautner’s character Nathan Harper jumps down an escalator. The chase scene was filmed at PNC Park, a baseball park located at 115 Federal Street on the North Shore of Pittsburgh. The crew filmed the entire sequence during an actual match between New York Mets and the Pirates.
Nathan attends school at Hampton High School, where he takes part in a high-school wrestling event. The crew filmed the scenes on location at Hampton Township High School, at 2929 McCully Road, Allison Park in the eponymous township north of Pittsburgh. The mascot of the school also made an appearance in the film, along with the cheerleaders and the marching band.
Some scenes were filmed at the August Wilson African American Cultural Center, a major art gallery located at 980 Liberty Avenue in Pittsburgh. Filming also took place in Pittsburgh International Airport, a civil-military air terminus located at 1000 Airport Boulevard, in Findlay Township and Moon Township of Pittsburgh.
Nathan goes to college at Chatham University, a privately-owned educational institution located at Woodland Road in the city. The crew also filmed at Jefferson Regional Medical Center, a hospital located at 565 Coal Valley Road, in Jefferson Hills near Pittsburgh.
The crew also visited Allegheny Cemetery, one of the oldest cemetery in Pittsburgh with undeniable historical significance. The address of the cemetery is 4734 Butler Street of Pittsburgh.
Psychologist Dr. Bennett’s office sequences were filmed in a townhouse located at 308 Bigbee Street, in Mount Washington, Pittsburgh.
Moreover, many of the film’s sequences were filmed in the suburban area of Mount Lebanon and the community of Forward Township. As per information provided by the Pittsburgh Film Office, scenes were filmed in Pittsburgh’s East Library, Greenfield, and South Side neighborhoods.
Moreover, not restricting themselves to the city, the crew visited nearby suburbs of Greenburg, Sutersville, and Monongahela to film some crucial sequences. Some scenes were shot a bit further in Brownsville, a borough in Fayette County. Scenes were filmed at Fiddle’s Diner, a local restaurant located at 101 Water Street, in Brownsville.
Read More: Best Abduction Movies Ever Made
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