Directed by the king of spooky Tim Burton, ‘Beetlejuice’ is a 1988 dark fantasy comedy film that revolves around a recently deceased couple – Adam and Barbara – as they haunt their beloved home and ineffectively try to scare off the new inhabitants. When their subpar scare tactics fail repeatedly, the ghost couple hires the services of a malicious poltergeist to get rid of the new residents. Despite the warnings of their caseworker, the dead couple still summons the poltergeist Betelgeuse (pronounced “Beetlejuice”) to scare the new family away.
As Adam and Barbara unexpectedly become friends with the teenage girl, Lydia, they realize they’ve come to care for her and cannot allow Betelgeuse to harm her or her family. So they use their newly discovered ghost powers and send the poltergeist packing, saving Lydia, and proceed to live together in harmony with her family. If you love this classic spooky movie, then it’s only natural to wonder where it was filmed. Lucky for you, we’ve got all the information right here.
Beetlejuice Filming Locations
The film stars Michael Keaton as the titular Betelgeuse (or Beetlejuice), the poltergeist, while Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis are Adam and Barbara. Jeffrey Jones, Catherine O’Hara, and Winona Ryder star as the new family that’s moved in. There are two major filming locations in ‘Beetlejuice.’ Production of the movie began on March 11, 1987. The film is set in the fictional town of Winter River, Connecticut, but filming took place in Vermont and California. Here are specific details about the two locations!
East Corinth, Vermont
All outdoor scenes in the film were shot in East Corinth in Orange County, Vermont. A general store in Corinth doubled as the Maitland Hardware Store, while Masonic Hall became Miss Shannon’s School for Girls.
Culver Studios, California
Most of the indoor scenes of ‘Beetlejuice’ were filmed on sets built in the Culver Studios which is located at 9336 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, California. This historical studio is the place that served as a filming location for a lot of popular movies and TV shows like ‘E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial‘, ‘Star Trek: The Original Series’, ‘Alice in Wonderland’, ’50 First Dates’, ‘Gone With The Wind‘, and ‘King Kong (1933)’.
The first movie that ever filmed in Culver Studios is ‘The Lone Wolf’s Daughter’ (1919). In more recent years, ‘Cougar Town’ has been filmed here. Most of the indoor scenes of ‘Beetlejuice’ were filmed on sets built in the Culver Studios, which is located at 9336 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, California.
This historical studio is the place that served as a filming location for a lot of popular movies and TV shows like ‘E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial‘, ‘Star Trek: The Original Series’, ‘Alice in Wonderland’, ’50 First Dates’, ‘Gone With The Wind‘, and ‘King Kong (1933)’. The first movie that was ever filmed in Culver Studios is ‘The Lone Wolf’s Daughter’ (1919). In recent years, ‘Cougar Town’ has been filmed here.
Read More: Where Was Halloweentown Filmed?
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