‘Belfast’ is a coming-of-age movie that follows a nine-year-old boy as his life is turned upside down by the advent of civil unrest and war. The film explores an idyllic childhood interrupted by tumultuous events seen from the point of view of the young central character, giving audiences an intriguing and touching perspective. The period drama‘s predominantly black-and-white visuals also add to the quaint vintage era aesthetics and weighty subject matter. Curious about where ‘Belfast’ was filmed? We’ve got the story!
Belfast Filming Locations
‘Belfast’ was filmed in multiple locations around the United Kingdom, specifically in England and Northern Ireland. The production team considered these locations apt to recreate the film’s 1960s aesthetic. Principal photography reportedly began in September 2020 and wrapped up by the following month in October 2020. Now let’s take a look at the specific locations that have been used to bring the movie to life.
London, England
The production was reportedly filmed in multiple locations in and around London, including an unused school site that was used to depict the school, hospital, and church seen in the movie. Some additional studio filming was also likely undertaken in London.
Other Locations in England
The Farnborough Airport, situated in the Business Aviation Centre in the town of Farnborough, was reportedly used for lensing multiple crucial sequences. The town is located in northeast Hampshire. The cinema scene, which was allegedly shot in an airplane hangar made to look like a movie theater, was most likely filmed here as well. Sets for the movie were reportedly built near Longcross Studios, located on Chobham Lane in the town of Chertsey in Surrey.
Belfast, Northern Ireland
The production team also spent time filming in and around the city of Belfast, in Northern Ireland. Taking into account that the film is set in Northern Ireland’s capital, filming here likely took place at multiple recognizable spots for the sake of authenticity. The central family in the movie, and much of the film itself, is centered around North Belfast. So, residential neighborhoods around the city may have also been used for lensing a few scenes.
The film explores a tumultuous time that is entrenched in the history of Northern Ireland. It is written and directed by the multifaceted Kenneth Branagh, who was born in Belfast. Hence, the film masterfully depicts its titular city in an authentic yet period-specific guise.
Read More: Is Belfast Based on a True Story?
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