Renowned director Donald Petrie’s ‘How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days’ is the tale of two stubborn individuals who make it against the odds they set themselves. The 2003 romantic comedy film focuses on the life of advertising executive Benjamin Barry and women’s magazine writer Andie Anderson. Belting out a tug-of-war of wits, Kate Hudson as Andie and Matthew McConaughey as Ben traverse a comic plot with the dos and don’ts of dating with Kathryn Hahn, Annie Parisse and Adam Goldberg starring alongside.
The romantic comedy based on the picture book ‘How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days’ by Michele Alexander and Jeannie Long is set in New York and employs the scenic backdrop despite its blaring bustle. Encapsulating the poignancy of the love that inadvertently blooms even in the face of obstacles, the setting helps elevate the film’s aesthetic appeal. It is, as such, natural for many to wonder where the film’s shooting took place. Luckily, we’ve got you covered. Let us look at the filming locations of ‘How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days’!
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days Filming Locations
‘How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days’ was primarily shot in New York and Canada. Holding true for most New York films, the filming was also shot in Canada and provided the scenic backdrop that would flawlessly help in coalescing the character’s inner battles and make room for their inevitable feelings to blossom. The principal photography of the movie commenced on June 17, 2002, and wrapped up in a few months. Let’s take a closer look at the exact filming sites!
Manhattan, New York
To perfectly envisage the essence of a lifestyle magazine, not only did Kate Hudson spend a day with Vogue editor Anna Wintour, but the scenes of the ‘Composure’ office was shot at the Conde Nast Building at 4 Times Square in Manhattan. The building known for its Vogue office, as such, served as the perfect backdrop for a popular emerging women’s magazine.
No New York native is alien to the magic of the Knicks. Naturally, when Andie scores tickets to the season’s games, it serves as the perfect ploy for her to showcase the don’ts of dating. And although several shots of the scene were shot in the Felt Forum of Madison Square Garden, like Ben leaving the stadium to get Andie diet coke, the actual close-ups of the actors were taken in Toronto with the help of green screens.
Numerous scenes were shot in Madison Avenue and East 26th Street, 51 Madison Avenue and East 27th Street, 148 West 42nd Street and Broadway, Times Square, 133 Mercer Street and Prince Street, Christopher Park, Grove Street and West 4th Street and 43 East 5th Avenue and 11th Street. Primarily focusing on singular shots and the apartments of Ben and Andie, countless shots were added to truly showcase the city.
Built in 1963, Cinema Village on 22 East 12th Street and 5th Avenue in Manhattan isn’t just one of the oldest operative art cinemas in the city, but also helped in the part filming of the movie scene where Ben and Andie go to watch ‘Sleepless in Seattle.’ No romantic comedy is complete without the grand finale, where the protagonists finally profess their love and catapult into the ‘happily-ever-after.’
Naturally, the splendor of the Manhattan Bridge in New York lent itself to the end-chase where Ben catches up with Andie, who’s bent upon leaving New York and starting anew in Washington. The film that continues to accrue praise and laud is, as such, difficult to imagine without its headline actor Kate Hudson.
The Alexander Hamilton US Customs House helped embody the grandeur of the final gala party that featured the infamous tone-deaf ‘You’re So Vain’ duet of Ben and Andie. However, like several New York-based films, it was just the exterior of the U.S. Customs House in lower Manhattan that was used for shooting. The interior scenes of the gala were shot in an altogether different location in Toronto, Canada. Even the diamonds Andie wears and almost leaves with in the last scene are real and are valued at a whopping $6 million.
Staten Island, New York
Famously known as the ‘Lovers’ Lane,’ the Buono Beach helped depict an unkempt honesty unmarred by the ploys of Andie and Ben. In a simple scene where Ben teaches Andie how to ride a motorcycle the backdrop of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Boardwalk and beach in Staten Island helps showcase the tranquility of the scene perfectly. In yet another scene, Ben and Andie take the Staten Island Ferry to explore the area.
Toronto, Ontario
The city of Toronto in Ontario has, time and again, served as the perfect location for production teams to bring their visions to life. Other scenes of the film were also filmed in Ayr for their picturesque beauty and ability to mold the characters into the perfect film montage. The movie and restaurant scenes were shot in Toronto as well.
Former Bloor Cinema now known as Hot Docs Ted Rodgers Cinema located at 506 Bloor Street West helped in shooting a few of the movie scenes, such as the one wherein Ben proves that he’s the ultimate man and would not compromise the dignity of his date. From ‘Serendipity’ to My Big Fat Greek Wedding, 915 Lake Shore Boulevard East in Toronto, Ontario, has also served as the ideal studio location for directors and producers to bring their story to life.
Read More: Best Kate Hudson Movies
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