Helmed by Jim Henson, ‘Labyrinth’ is a compelling 1986 fantasy musical film, that centers around a 16-year-old teenager called Sarah. She must go through a perilous journey to rescue her toddler brother, Toby. In the meantime, the Goblin King makes it challenging for Sarah to get to her brother. Initially, the fantasy drama was met with mixed reviews, but it has earned a cult status among critics and fans over the years.
A young Jennifer Connelly acts opposite David Bowie in the central role to bring the fantastical world to life. The otherworldly feel of the movie is something that strikes the audience as an unforgettable visual experience. You must be wondering about the locations where the film was shot. Well, allow us to take you through all the information we have gathered!
Labyrinth Filming Locations
‘Labyrinth’ was filmed in the USA and the UK. The production reportedly wrapped up by September 1985 after filming for roughly five months. As you can tell, the movie uses a wide range of settings, some of which feel out worldly. Let us share with you all that we know about the locations where the movie was filmed!
Rockland County, New York
Several scenes were filmed in different areas of Rockland County, New York. The opening sequence itself shows Sarah rushing past different places. She is seen running through North Broadway in the village of Upper Nyack. If you pay attention, you can even see the Village Hall in the scene. The public building happens to be the village law court as well. We then see her rushing past Castle Heights Avenue in another village called Nyack. Situated near the west bank of the Hudson River, Nyack is considered a suburban area of New York City. It lies about 15 miles from Manhattan.
Sarah shortly veers into an alley. This scene was filmed at 474 Piermont Avenue, in Piermont, which is a village on the west bank of the Hudson. Then she disappears into an alley between some houses. This particular shot was filmed in the historically rich town of Haverstraw. Short sequences were also filmed outside a property located at 60 Hudson Avenue, and another one at 67 Sharp Street.
Hertfordshire, England
The magical ambiance in the film was primarily created at the Elstree Studios in Hertfordshire, England. The exact location of the studio is Shenley Road, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire WD6 1JG. Elstree Studios refers to a cluster of functioning as well as out-of-use studios located in and around Borehamwood and Elstree in Hertfordshire County. The crew filmed the majority of the fantastical scenes on sets built in the studio premises.
The production team constructed sets on multiple soundstages in the studio, particularly on stage numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9. The filming crew also used stage 6 for shooting a few scenes in the movie. Famously known as the Star Wars Stage, it was where the elaborate sets were constructed for the Goblin City and the Shaft of Hands sequences.
While the forest scenes were filmed on stage 2 of the Elstree Studios, the Four Guards sequence was possibly shot on stage 7. In contrast, the interiors of Sarah’s house were reportedly built on stage 3, although the exteriors were filmed in the backlot area called “The Mound.” In 1989, stages 1, 2, 3, and 4 were demolished, and later, in 2013, The Mound was leveled.
Buckinghamshire, England
The crew filmed some outdoor sequences on location in Buckinghamshire, which is one of the Home Counties enveloping Greater London. In a few of the scenes, you may recognize West Wycombe Park, which is an elegant 18th-century country house, known for its unique architecture. Some notables films that feature this beautiful property are ‘What a Girl Wants’ and ‘Victoria & Abdul.’
Read More: Best Fantasy Movies of All Time
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