Co-written and directed by Laura Mora Ortega, Netflix’s ‘The Kings of the World’ (originally titled ‘Los reyes del mundo’) is a Colombian adventure drama movie. It revolves around five teens from the streets — Rá, Culebro, Sere, Winny, and Nano — who no longer have a family. Having nobody else but themselves, they form a clan to survive and start living with no laws. As the five boys leave the city and journey into the depths of the Colombian jungle in hopes of claiming Rá’s inherited land, their friendship and loyalty get tested.
During their quest, the teens make numerous friends along the way who help them in their journey but also make them realize the dangers of their company. While the savage and lonely clan’s journey to claim The Promised Land makes for a dramatic and eye-opening watch, the different places where they find themselves are bound to make you wonder where ‘The Kings of the World’ was shot.
The Kings of the World Filming Locations
‘The Kings of the World’ was filmed entirely in Colombia, particularly in Antioquia and Córdoba. The principal photography for the adventure movie seemingly commenced in the summer of 2021, but it got halted for a week or so due to positive COVID-19 cases on set. After around eight weeks of shooting, it finally got wrapped up in September of the same year. So, without further ado, let’s follow the five teens and get a detailed account of all the specific places that appear in the Netflix movie!
Antioquia, Colombia
Most of the pivotal sequences for ‘The Kings of the World’ were lensed across Antioquia, one of the 32 Colombian departments. The filming unit reportedly utilized the locales of several villages and mountainous terrains within the department. Medellín, Antioquia’s capital and the second largest city in the nation, served as one of the primary production locations for the drama movie.
Several key scenes were recorded under the bridges of Avenida Oriental in Medellín as well as in the basement of Medellín Metro Station in the Bolivar sector. In addition, the production team set up camp in Bajo Cauca Antioquia, a subregion in the Antioquia department. In a conversation with Variety in December 2022, director Laura Mora revealed some details about shooting in the Bajo Cauca region. She said, “I was warned not to shoot there, that it was the most dangerous part of Colombia. Instead, we only came across people who were open, generous, and kind.”
Mora added, “Making a fictional film protected us too, as they probably would not have been so welcoming of documentary filmmakers or journalists.” To smoothen things further, they made sure to involve different communities wherever they stopped, such as a gypsy caravan, in various villages and towns. The cast and crew were spotted taping a few portions in and around the Nechí River during the filming schedule. Besides, some municipalities of Northern Antioquia seemingly feature in the movie.
Córdoba, Colombia
For shooting purposes, the team of ‘The Kings of the World’ also traveled to Córdoba, a Colombian department situated in the Caribbean Region in the northern part of the country. Specifically, the town of La Apartada served as an important filming site for the adventure drama.
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