Based on a comic strip titled ‘Le Patient’ by Timothé Le Boucher, Netflix’s ‘The Lost Patient’ (originally titled ‘Le Patient’) is a French psychological thriller movie co-written and directed by Christophe Charrier. It follows 19-year-old Thomas who wakes up in a hospital bed from a coma three years after his family, except his missing sister Laura, was murdered in front of him. However, no matter how hard he tries, he can neither remember what happened on that tragic day nor who is responsible for the massacre.
With help from his psychologist Anna, Thomas embarks on a journey down memory lane to uncover the dark truth behind his family’s gory murder. Featuring stellar onscreen performances from a talented cast, the suspense surrounding the gruesome event in the movie keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats. Moreover, the relatively darker undertone reflects the dark themes and complements the different locations. Thus, it is natural for you to be curious to know all about the filming sites of ‘The Lost Patient.’ In that case, we have you covered!
The Lost Patient: Where Was it Filmed?
‘The Lost Patient’ was filmed entirely in France, specifically in Puy-de-Dome. The principal photography for the murder mystery movie took place in late 2021, supposedly between November and December. So, let’s not waste any time and dive right into all the specific sites that can be spotted in the Netflix movie!
Puy-de-Dome, France
All the pivotal sequences for ‘The Lost Patient’ were reportedly lensed in Puy-de-Dome, a department in France’s Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Primarily, the production team set up camp in and around Clermont-Ferrand, the prefecture or capital of the department. Apart from several exterior shots across the city, they also seemingly recorded some key scenes in Hospital Center Sainte-Marie at 33 Rue Gabriel Péri in Clermont-Ferrand.
Furthermore, a property atop the hills overlooking the city in the Durtol commune possibly served as a filming site for the French movie. As per reports, another hospital, Centre Hospitalier Etienne Clementel, was used for shooting purposes. It is located right outside the commune of Enval and in Châtel-Guyon.
Puy-de-Dome is visited by many tourists annually, but the department is frequented by several filmmakers as well. As a matter of fact, over the years, Puy-de-Dome has hosted the production of many movies and TV besides ‘The Lost Patient.’ Some notable ones are ‘The Double Life of Véronique,’ ‘The Bride,’ ‘Families,’ and ‘Nobody’s Hero.’
Read More: Best French Movies on Netflix