Written and directed by Nathaniel Martello-White, Netflix’s ‘The Strays’ is a British thriller drama movie that revolves around a young lady named Neve who leads a rather peaceful life along with her loving family and works a satisfactory job at a private school. However, her picture-perfect life starts unraveling slowly when she notices the presence of two strange people — a man and a woman — in her suburban town at odd and unexpected moments. Beginning to question her sanity, Neve turns to her family and friends for help but they don’t seem to believe her.
The thrilling narrative is matched by the equally stellar onscreen performances from Ashley Madekwe as the lead actress, alongside other cast members, including Jorden Myrie, Bukky Bakray, Samuel Small, Maria Almeida, and Justin Salinger. The setting of a quiet suburban town where Neve resides acts as yet another character in the movie. Thus, it is natural for you to be eager to learn where ‘The Strays’ was shot.
The Strays Filming Locations
‘The Strays’ was filmed in its entirety in England, specifically in London, Suffolk, Berkshire, and seemingly in Wiltshire. The principal photography for the horror thriller movie reportedly commenced in September 2021 and wrapped up in November 2021. So, without wasting any time, let’s dive right into Neve’s suburban town and get a detailed account of all the specific sites that feature in the Netflix film!
London, England
London, the capital and largest city of England as well as the United Kingdom, served as one of the primary production locations for ‘The Strays.’ From the looks of it, the filming unit supposedly traveled across the city to record different scenes, interiors as well as exteriors, against suitable backdrops. Situated on the River Thames in the southeast portion of England, London is considered one of the major global cities in the entire world.
With London being one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world, its economy is heavily dependent on the tourism sector. There are many landmarks and attractions that tourists tend to visit when they travel to London. Some of them are the British Museum, Tate Modern, the Science Museum, the National Portrait Gallery, the British Library, and the British Library of Political and Economic Science.
Other Locations in England
Additional portions of ‘The Strays’ were taped in various locations across England. For instance, during the filming schedule, the cast and crew members were spotted shooting a few key scenes in the counties of Suffolk and Berkshire. While the former is located in England’s East Anglia area, Berkshire is situated in South East England.
Moreover, for shooting purposes, the production team of ‘The Strays’ seemingly traveled to the county of Wiltshire. In particular, Castle Combe, a small village and civil parish within the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, supposedly served as an important filming site for the thriller movie.
Read More: Best Psychological Thrillers on Netflix
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