Directed by John Erick Dowdle, ‘No Escape’ is an action thriller film that stars Pierce Brosnan, Owen Wilson, and Lake Bell. The movie revolves around Jack Dwyer and his family, who move to Southeast Asia for a lucrative career opportunity. However, upon their arrival, they realize that something is not right as the internet, television, and telephones do not work. But when Jack reads a newspaper, he discovers that a revolution is brewing in the country and rebels are killing foreigners.
The only hope of survival for the Dwyers is to reach the American Embassy, but it won’t be an easy task with rebels everywhere. The action-packed scenes in the film might have you intrigued about its filming location. Here’s everything we know about the filming locations of ‘No Escape.’
No Escape Filming Locations
‘No Escape’ was filmed entirely in Southeast Asia. The countries in this region are famous for their picturesque tropical beaches, beautiful and historic Buddha temples, and ancient ruins. With the curiosity to know more about the production of ‘No Escape,’ we gathered more information about the specific filming locations. Let’s have a look at them.
Thailand was the primary filming location for ‘No Escape’. Located in the mountainous ranges in northern Thailand, Chiang Mai is a historic city that has been a religious and cultural center for the country for centuries. Most of the scenes of the fictional Asian city that Jack visits with his family were filmed in Chiang Mai. Filming for the scenes in which Jack gets stuck with his family at a hotel took place at The Imperial Mae Ping Hotel located in Chiang Mai.
The film industry of the country contributes a significant amount to its GDP. As the second-largest economy in Southeast Asia, Thailand has a notable contribution to the global entertainment industry. Interestingly, not all scenes were shot in the historic town. Lampang, another historic city, is an important filming location as well. While shooting in Lampang under the working title ‘The Coup,’ Owen Wilson and Pierce Brosnan escaped a real fire that broke out in a three-story shophouse that was rented by the production team.
The shooting in Thailand was not as straightforward, as the entire team had to assure that they would respect the culture and not defame the country in any way. Due to the volatile political environment, actor Owen Wilson almost got himself arrested because he took a picture with fans in which he was wearing a blue, white, and red whistle. He was unaware that the colors of the whistle made him seem like a supporter of the anti-government protestors.
Apart from Thailand, Cambodia is the other shooting location for ‘No Escape’. The Southeast Asian country is well-known for its majestic mountains, beautiful coastlines, and low-lying plains. Interestingly, Cambodia has also served as a filming site for movies like ‘Lara Croft: Tomb Raider’ and ‘City of Ghosts.’
Read More: Best Action Thriller Movies of All Time
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