Directed by Chris Weitz, ‘Operation Finale’ is an American historical period drama film that tells the story of Israeli Mossad officers on a mission to capture and transport the mastermind of the Jewish genocide, Adolf Eichmann, who is hiding in Buenos Aires, Argentina, after escaping in the aftermath of World War II. It features Oscar Isaac, Ben Kingsley, Lior Raz, Mélanie Laurent, Nick Kroll, and Haley Lu Richardson in the lead roles.
The film is based on real incidents and accurately recreates history with the help of era-appropriate locations, clever writing, and power-packed performances from the main cast. If after watching the film you are wondering where it was filmed; We have compiled a list of the locations featured in ‘Operation Finale.’
Operation Finale Filming Location
Principal photography of ‘Operation Finale’ began on October 1, 2017, and concluded on December 1, 2017. Actor Nick Kroll took to Instagram to share a picture from the last day on set. The film was exclusively shot in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where most of the film’s story takes place. Let’s find out more about the filming locations!
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina and the largest cosmopolitan city in the country. It is renowned for its street art, football, architecture, cuisine, and nightlife. ‘Operation Finale’ is set in 1960; therefore, era-appropriate locations were chosen to depict the period more accurately.
Located on the western shore of the Río de la Plata, it is the city where Adolf Eichmann is hiding. The Israeli officers arrive in Buenos Aires to apprehend Eichmann, and a lot of the action in the film takes place in the metropolitan part of the city. Filming took place in the suburbs of Buenos Aires, which still retain their appearance from that era. Numerous changes were also made to the locations to give them an authentic feel.
A few scenes were filmed in the small town of Olivera, which is situated 130 kilometers outside the main city of Buenos Aires. The exterior of Eichmann’s house from where he is abducted was created from scratch in the town’s outskirts. The take-off sequence was filmed at an airport in Buenos Aires. Scenes set in Israel were also filmed in Buenos Aires, and notable changes were made to the locations to give them a European touch.
Bariloche, Argentina
San Carlos de Bariloche (commonly known as Bariloche) is a town located in Argentina’s Patagonia region. The opening scene, the house in Austria, and other scenes set in the forest were filmed in the woods of Bariloche. The location manager for the film Mariano Cukar shared an image of the location on his Instagram account.
Bariloche is a popular tourist destination and is known for its skiing and hiking trails. Thousands of tourists visit the town every year because of its perennial wintry weather. The chocolate made in the town is also very famous around the globe.
Hurlingham, Argentina
The production team of ‘Operation Finale’ also chose the city of Hurlingham to film several street scenes. Located in the province (not the eponymous city) of Buenos Aires, the Argentine city is most famous for the Hurlingham Club, which is a world-renowned social and sports club. Here’s a picture shared by the location manager during the course of filming.
Read More: Operation Finale Ending, Explained
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