Directed by Adam Mason, ‘Songbird’ is a science fiction thriller film set amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. It tells the story of a man trying to save a girl he loves in the fourth year of the pandemic while the virus has mutated. Starring KJ Apa, Sofia Carson, and Craig Robinson, among others, the film is written by Mason and Simon Boyes, while Michael Bay serves as one of the producers. If you are wondering where ‘Songbird’ was shot, here is everything you need to know.
Songbird: Where Was it Filmed?
This pandemic thriller is the first feature film to have been shot in Los Angeles after the lockdown was imposed due to COVID-19. It was shot in different locations in the city amidst restrictions. Here are the specific details about the filming of ‘Songbird.’
Los Angeles, California
The production team had to adhere to safety protocols like regular testing, thermal screening, and maintaining social distancing. A maximum of 40 crew members were allowed to be on set during filming. Principal photography began on July 8, 2020. The Screen Actors Guild briefly halted filming because the production did not finish the signatory process; they granted permission the following day. Carson shared a picture from the set with Apa on her Instagram profile. Check it out below!
‘Songbird’ was shot in around a month and was finished on schedule. The shooting of the film wrapped up on August 3, 2020. Sites that had proper ventilation and large open spaces were specifically chosen for filming. Reportedly, no person tested COVID-19 positive during the entire production. Filming also took place in a warehouse in downtown Los Angeles and Mulholland Drive.
Some of the most prominent films to be shot in Los Angeles are ‘A Star Is Born‘, ‘La La Land‘, ‘Once Upon A Time…In Hollywood, there are Ford v Ferrari, American Beauty, and Argo, among others. Some portions were also shot in the Koreatown area of Los Angeles. Films like ‘Being John Malkovich‘, ‘Collateral’, ‘The Prestige‘, ‘Chinatown,’ and ‘Beverly Hills Cop’ have been shot in Koreatown.
Talking about the different experience of shooting the film during the pandemic, Apa told Entertainment Weekly: “We were kind of trepidatious, but still very much amped and excited to get to work. It was really eerie, but the way we shot was every actor’s dream.” Apa further said that he enjoyed the limitations of shooting during a lockdown, “I found it incredibly liberating because everyone was just so happy to be involved. All the normal egos that go into making a movie, that kind of bullsh— didn’t exist with this project.”
Read More: Best Pandemic Movies on Netflix
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