Inspired by the Swedish series ‘Expedition Robinson,’ CBS’ ‘Survivor’ is a reality competition series created by Charlie Parsons, which premiered back in May 2000. Ever since the show aired, each season has been released under a specific title, and so is the case with ‘Survivor’ season 32, also titled ‘Survivor: Kaôh Rōng.’ In this season, the 18 participants are divided into three tribal groups of six based on their respective attributes — Brains, Brawn, and Beauty.
Every participant of each tribe must endure 39 days with a limited supply of resources and different sorts of challenges, both mental as well as physical, to earn the title of Sole Survivor. Apart from the exhilarating journey of the participants, what captivates the viewers is the picturesque location with the ocean and forest in the backdrop. Thus, it is natural for you to be curious about the filming sites of the 32nd season of ‘Survivor.’ In that case, we have got you covered!
Survivor Season 32: Where Was it Filmed?
‘Survivor’ season 32 was filmed entirely in Cambodia, specifically in Koh Rong. According to reports, the principal photography for the 32nd installment of the long-running survival show commenced in late March 2015 and wrapped up in May of the same year. Situated in Southeast Asia’s southern portion of the Indochinese Peninsula, Cambodia’s landscape has a low-lying central plain surrounded by uplands and low mountains, making it a scenic shooting destination. So, let’s follow the participants as they try to survive through all the challenges and get a detailed account of the specific sites that appear in season 32!
Koh Rong, Cambodia
All the pivotal sequences for ‘Survivor’ season 32 were lensed in Koh Rong, Cambodia’s second-largest island. Whether it is the beach or the woods, the cast and crew members were spotted utilizing various sites across the island to shoot ‘Survivor: Kaôh Rōng.’ Located in Koh Kong Province, the island is mainly divided into four villages — Koh Tuich, Prek Svay, Sok San, and Daem Thkov (Sangkat Village). While most of the locals live off of fishing and small-scale crop cultivation, there are increasing numbers of residents who contribute to tourism.
Koh Rong conceals various beautiful seasonal waterfalls in the depths of its forests and greenery. Moreover, it has about 43km of gorgeous beaches, many of different lengths and colorations. The island is also home to several luxurious foreign-run bungalow resorts and guesthouses, making it a beloved holiday destination for many.
Read More: Is Survivor Scripted?
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