Released in 1984, ‘The NeverEnding Story’ is based on a fantasy novel of the same name. It is the first English-language movie that Wolfgang Petersen directed. It is also the first piece of an epic tale that is narrated in three movies. The story revolves around the life of a 10-year-old boy named Bastian Balthazar Bux (starring Barret Oliver) who is bullied in school every day.
Bastian’s life changes the moment he, out of curiosity, ‘burrows’ an otherworldly book even after the bookseller suggests him to not take it. While reading the book, Bastian is transported to a wonderland named Fantasia. The enchanting place needs a chivalrous soul to save it from the evil Gmork and Nothing who are soon to take control.
The NeverEnding Story Filming Locations
‘The NeverEnding Story’ has an abundance of never-seen-before dazzling creatures in the middle of an intriguing set-up. The storyline calls for a fictitious location which is out of humans’ reach. However, apart from the visual effects, most of the scenes in the movie are filmed in actual existing places that anyone can visit. The filming took place in parts of Germany, Spain, Canada, and the US.
Vancouver, Canada
‘The NeverEnding Story’ begins and ends in the same city, Gastown, a district in downtown Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada. The opening scenes of the movie are shot in Vancouver, B.C. Starting from the scene when Bastian’s flight is about to land, a lot of trains are visible. The location is a popular train yard in the city. A shiny dome in the background is, in reality, the B.C Place Stadium.
The scene where a group of bullies is after Bastian takes place in the Gastown area, Vancouver. If looked closely, the popular Gastown Steam Clock is visible in the distance right when these bullies start chasing young Bastian. The poor kid ends up in a dingy alley and he is pushed in garbage storage that’s originally Blood Alley, Gastown, Vancouver.
Queen Mary Elementary school in North Vancouver as Bastian’s school, a house on 19 Avenue, Surrey as his home, and a local bookstore were used to film indoor scenes. It is 175 Blood Alley, Vancouver where three bullies are chased in a flying scene. Right before the end, Falkor (played by Alan Oppenheimer) brings Bastion to the same location where he was bullied looking for a comic closure.
California’s name is mentioned here because every appearance counts, even if it is for a split-second. Only one scene was filmed in the USA where Falkor, the divine luck dragon is seen flying over a desert river. The place is situated in Havasu National Wildlife Refuge in Needles, California, USA.
Almera, Spain
Most of the outdoor places other than the city scenes were shot in Spain. The scene of desert dunes was shot in Huelva. Where Atreyu is riding his horse was shot in Almeria. Both the just mentioned regions are part of Andalucia, Spain. There’s a beach scene when Atreyu falls off Falkor and finds himself on a shore without his Auryn. This was filmed at Playa de Monsul, also known as Monsul’s Cove in Cabo de Gata, Almera, Andalucia, Southern Spain.
Munich, Germany
The bulk of the movie is set in Fantasia. All the scenes of this fantasy world were filmed at the Bavaria Film Studios in Munich, Germany. The Studio still has a luck dragon that looks more like a flying dog. To add to the fun, people are allowed to sit on the dog to get photos clicked. They even have the real moving stone straight from the movie!
Read More: Where Was Jurassic Park Filmed?
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