‘The Taking of Deborah Logan’ is a 2014 found footage horror movie that follows a young student named Mia as she attempts to make a documentary about a woman with Alzheimer’s. As the film crew attempts to record Deborah’s daily activities, ominous phenomena start surrounding her. Soon enough, the unsuspecting filmmakers realize that there are paranormal forces afoot.
The feature film directorial debut of Adam Robitel, ‘The Taking of Deborah Logan’ paints a disturbing picture. The story is set in a quiet suburban town, the kind where everyone knows each other, making the events that unfold seem all the more gruesome. If you’re curious about where the movie was shot, we’ve got all the details you need. Let’s dive in!
The Taking of Deborah Logan Filming Locations
‘The Taking of Deborah Logan’ was lensed entirely in North Carolina, specifically in Charlotte and High Point. Given the state’s diverse landscape that helps create an eerie backdrop, it is natural that the makers chose it as the filming site, despite the story being set in the fictional small town of Exuma, Virginia. Many stunt doubles for the central characters, as well as special effects for some of the film’s more intense scenes, were used in the production. Now let’s take a look at the specific locations that were used to bring the movie to life.
Charlotte, North Carolina
The film crew reportedly spent a reasonable amount of time shooting in and around the city of Charlotte in North Carolina. Since the film centers around a few major locations, it appears that a private residence was used to depict the exterior of Deborah’s house. A significant portion of the taping was also carried out at Creative Network Studios, located at 4202 Barringer Drive. Interior scenes of the house were likely shot in the studio, and a local hospital was seemingly used to lens additional scenes.
Other Locations in North Carolina
Pivotal parts of ‘The Taking of Deborah Logan’ were taped in High Point, a city in North Carolina’s Piedmont Triad region. It is the only city in the state that extends into four counties and lies 77.5 miles away from Charlotte. Furthermore, a few scenes of the film’s finale unfold in an abandoned mine, and they were possibly recorded on location. The crew also spent some time filming in rural North Carolina to depict scenes where victims are found in the wilderness.
Read More: Is The Taking of Deborah Logan Based on a True Story?
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