Directed by Jerry Ciccoritti, ‘Two for the Win’ is a Hallmark Channel movie that essays a story of long-lost friendship. It is based on a novel by Sarah Morgan titled ‘Sleigh Bells in the Snow’. The television film follows a professional ski racer, Justin O’ Neill, as he cultivates a successful skiing career in the mountains. But he is gripped by a knee injury that compels him to visit his hometown. He runs into his old ski coach Kayla Green who also used to be his best friend.
Kayla and Justin catch up and reconnect, filling up lost time and space. This is precisely what friendship is all about, as you can always pick up where you left off. With ‘Two for the Win,’ Hallmark hits home, yet again, owing to its heartwarming portrayal of emotions, sure to leave audiences with a fuzzy feeling in the heart. The movie is set against a snowy wilderness that is embellished with an abundance of love and warmth. So, where was the movie filmed? Let’s find out.
Two for the Win Filming Locations
‘Two for the Win’ started filming by the second week of November 2020 and seemingly wrapped up on November 30, 2020. It was majorly filmed in Ontario with a few scenes from Quebec. Let’s get into details.
Ottawa, Ontario
The movie was primarily filmed in Ottawa. Situated on the south bank of the Ottawa River, it is known for its music festivals, natural environment, and ice skating rink, which indisputably explains why the movie was shot there. Actor Trevor Donovan who portrays ski instructor Justin, posted several pictures with his ski gear firmly rooted upon a white expanse of snow. He stated that the area is called Mount Pakenham, situated southwest of Ottawa. He called the experience “a bit snug, but warm”.
A bit snug… but warm.❄️
Mount Pakenham #skimovie ⛷️ #Ottawa— Trevor Donovan (@TrevDon) November 27, 2020
He was packed with a tight schedule throughout the filming phase, wrapping up shoots at 3 am every morning. They even had days when there was no snowfall, which greatly affected their schedule. For the scenes to be shot, the area had to be swamped with snow.
Good Saturday from Mount Pakenham in the south-west of Ottawa, Ontario. ⛷️ #SkiMovie is airing I think in January. Keep ya posted.
— Trevor Donovan (@TrevDon) November 29, 2020
The cast and crew were also gathered in Mount Pakenham Ski Hill, where filming possibly happened. Actor John Ralston who portrays Tom O’ Neill released an Instagram post that shows him huddled in front of a fire surrounded by filming trucks. Another scene, based on a Twitter update posted by Donovan, features a bar in Ottawa where shots were filmed on November 11, 2020.
Arnprior, Ontario
The production entered Arnprior, Ontario, where cameras started to roll on November 13, 2020. It is a languid little town in Southern Ontario replete with picturesque streets, as stated on Trevor’s Twitter update. The picture was taken on 26 Elgin Street West, Arnprior.
Such a picturesque street. Love working in small towns with main streets like this. The kind of place where everyone knows each other. Like the town I grew up in.
— Trevor Donovan (@TrevDon) November 12, 2020
Carleton Place, Ontario
On November 24, 2020, the production was housed in Carleton Place, a small town in Eastern Ontario. The location is graced by the serene Mississippi River that runs along its border and is known for its congenial environment.
Chelsea, Quebec
Chelsea is a small area located north of Gatineau, Quebec. The production hoisted a setup to film a portion of the movie there, as gleaned from an Instagram picture by John Ralston. The image is taken in what looks like a ski park on November 26, 2020.
Two for the Win Cast
The cast for the movie includes Trevor Donovan as Justin O’Neill, a professional skier whose passion for skiing trumps even his ski skills. He is best known for his role as Teddy Montgomery in ‘90210’. Charlotte Sullivan plays Kayla Green, Justin’s childhood friend, and personal ski coach from their earlier days. Her previous works include ‘Harriet the Spy’ and the CBS series ‘The New Ghostwriter Mysteries’.
Siobhan Murphy essays the role of Jenny Green, Kayla’s sister. Farid Yazdani plays Wyatt Murphy, Justin’s best friend. Other cast members include John Ralston (Tom O’ Neill), Amanda Martinez (Anna), Alicia Richardson (Maggie), and Mikael Conde (Burt Redland).
Read More: Best Hallmark Channel Movies on Netflix
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