‘Zombieland’ is a post-apocalyptic zombie movie that centers upon Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg), a college student in Texas who somehow manages to survive in the zombie-infested America. However, he then leaves his house to look for his parents, who live in Ohio. Along the way, Columbus meets the pro survivalist, Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), who fearlessly confronts the living dead on his way to Florida.
The duo is later joined by Wichita (Emma Stone) and Little Rock (Abigail Breslin), and their journey takes an unprecedented turn. The nerve-wracking adventures of Columbus and his friends as they journey in search of a safe place may excite some viewers to find more about the filming details of the film. If you find yourself thinking about the same, well, we have got you covered.
Zombieland Filming Locations
The principal shooting for ‘Zombieland’ was done in Georgia, while several important scenes were also filmed in California. Georgia has been responsible for producing over seven hundred films since the 1970s, and it even surpassed California to become one of the biggest film-producing cities in the world.
However, California still continues to influence the global film industry significantly, and world-famous movie studios like Walt Disney, Warner Bros., Universal Studios, Columbia Pictures, and Paramount Pictures are all situated in The Golden State. Filming for ‘Zombieland’ took place in several locations in these two states, so let’s jump right in and learn more about them!
Atlanta, Georgia
The filming for the post-apocalyptic zombie comedy film was almost entirely done in Georgia, even though it might seem that the shooting took place in several states. Production for the film began in February 2009, and it was wrapped up two months later, in April 2009. Bill Murray’s house in the film is originally a 33,000-square-foot mansion located in West Paces Ferry Road in the Buckhead neighborhood of the city.
The shooting also took place in One Park Place B5 in Atlanta. The scenes that depict the urban chaos in the early part of the movie were filmed on Edgewood Avenue at Park Place NE.
Other Locations in Georgia
Scenes depicting Kemosabe casino and trading post were filmed in Rutledge, Georgia (located in the east of Atlanta). Gas N’ Gulp station is actually Pure Service Station situated at North Candler Street in Decatur. At the same time, a deserted building in C.H. James Parkway (near Power Springs) doubled as Blaine’s Grocery. Pacific Playland Park scenes were filmed in Wild Adventures Theme Park, Valdosta.
Netherworld Haunted House and Scream Fest Theme Park were also used for filming several interior scenes in the movie. The shooting was also done in Atlanta Motor Speedway and Highway 20 in Hampton. Several essential scenes in the film were also filmed in Morrow, Hapeville, Decatur, and Newnan.
Los Angeles, California
Shooting for ‘Zombieland’ was also done in the City of Angels. Grauman’s Chinese Theater, also called TCL Chinese Theatre, can be easily seen in at least one scene. Several important shots were also taken at Hollywood Boulevard. Considering the popularity of Los Angeles as a prominent filming destination, it is not surprising that it was chosen as one of the filming locations despite being over 2,300 miles away from Georgia.
Read More: Best Zombie Movies on Netflix
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