Anna Shay is one of the most intriguing cast members on Netflix’s drama reality series, ‘Bling Empire.’ The low-profile yet wildly wealthy socialite and philanthropist, who rules Los Angeles’ elite social scene, is someone who was introduced to us as the daughter of a man who made his money by selling guns and bombs to the U.S. Department of State and other international government administrations. Her co-star and friend, Kane Lim, even went as far as to say that although Anna has a fun-loving side and is very kind, she will not hesitate to “cut you” if you cross a line with her. So, let’s find out about her background!
Who Was Anna Shay’s Father?
Anna Shay is the daughter of late billionaire Edward Albert Shay and Ai-San, a Japanese-American woman, who taught her the importance of finance, privacy, and family at once as she was growing up. Her father founded Pacific Architects and Engineers (commonly known as PAE or PA&E) in California in 1955. However, as the founding engineer had worked in Japan beforehand, the earliest business deals of this defense service contractor involved property development in Japan.
As of now, the company specializes in top-secret work for the United Nations and the American government. Edward Shay was the chair, CEO, and sole shareholder of PAE until 1974, when he sold 40% of the organization to an employee stock ownership program. Even after that, though, Edward continued to have the most say in the business’s workings, mainly as the program sold all the shares back to him in 1988.
Following his passing in 1995, Edward’s only son, Anna’s younger brother, Allen, assumed control of the company. However, in 2006, the siblings mutually agreed to sell PAE to Lockheed Martin in a $1.2 billion all-cash deal. Edward had lived with his family in Tokyo until 1968, after which he made Los Angeles his primary place of residence.
What Does Anna Shay’s House Look Like?
The house we see Anna Shay live in on ‘Bling Empire’ is an 8,677 square feet, five bedrooms, 5.5 bathrooms estate in Beverly Hills, California. Built in 1926, most of the original work of the Spanish Revival compound that sits on a high hill atop one of the best sections of Sunset Boulevard has been kept as it is through the years, dragged into the modern era. The house has an arched porte cochère and is chock-full of original details like mosaic tilework, an irreplaceable and intricate front door, and hand-stenciled ceilings.
Anna bought the house about a decade ago for $9.4 million when the country’s and the area’s economy was on a slow rise. But as of December 2020, she has listed the Old Hollywood style home for sale, with the hefty yet reasonable price tag of $16 million. Urban legend has it that Shirley Temple lived in the same house when she was eight years old, around the mid-1930s. Furthermore, during the 1940s and 50s, the place was apparently owned by Tony Milano, an Italian mafia boss who allegedly conducted nefarious activities behind the façade of a food enterprise.
Anna’s 1.14-acre property includes park-like grounds, lawns, fountains, a four-car parking garage, a paddle tennis court, a swimming pool, and separate guest quarters. But one of the most outstanding original features is the fact that the main mansion’s basement has a so-called vault, where you can store anything from alcohol to, well, million-dollars worth of designer bongs, which Anna’s son Kenny Kemp currently keeps there. Anna has added a few modern touches to the house over the years, though, making it not only comfortable but also worth the price.
Read More: Who Are Anna Shay’s Ex-Husbands and Son?
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