As a Norwegian original documentary film living up to its title in every way conceivable, Netflix’s Benjamin Ree directorial ‘The Remarkable Life of Ibelin’ is truly an emotional and heartfelt film. That’s because it comprises not just re-created footage but also exclusive interviews to really shine a light upon the way Mats Steen led a full life online before he sadly passed from a degenerative muscular disease in 2014. The gamer didn’t really have any social experiences in his reality, but he did mean a lot to a lot of people within World of Warcraft, including to fellow players Xenia-Anni “Reike” Nielsen and Mikkel Riknagel “NikMik” Nielsen.
Xenia and Mikkel Were Able to Bond Thanks to Ibelin
It was back around the late 2000s and early 2010s when Xenia felt completely shattered over her struggle to connect with her son Mikkel, unaware the latter secretly felt it too. The truth is he is on the autism spectrum and had issues expressing his emotions as well as understanding why he is different from others, pulling him into a deep spiral of depression. In fact, per his accounts, there was a 4-year period where he honestly did nothing but stay in his room and on his bed simply because he wasn’t able to even pinpoint any positives of his uniqueness.
Therefore, when Ibelin suggested to Xenia, aka Reike, as a member of the Starlight Guild, to try and connect with her son through this game they both played, they had no idea it would change everything. After all, Mikkel, aka NikMik, felt much more comfortable expressing himself in the game and even went as far as to hug his mother there, which strengthened their real-life connection. In fact, with this, he soon got the courage to return to school, figure out his passions, and pursue the same. In other words, Mats Steen, as Ibelin, was the catalyst for them changing their life for the better.
Therefore, of course, when things began going a little south for him in the game owing to his big mouth as well as womanizing ways, Xenia and Mikkel defended him as much as they could. His dismissal of the fact did hurt them and caused them to not speak for around a year, but they still noticed when he disappeared for a long time with improbable excuses, making them express their concern. That’s when Ibelin opened up to them about himself and his condition for the first time, with Xenia making it clear that he mattered and should let others know, too, because he deserves their support. Therefore, even though Mats passed away in 2014, they remember him with fondness and even attend his in-game memorial without fail every single year.
Xenia-Anni “Reike” Nielsen is a Proud Family Woman with Her Own Physical Limitations
While it wasn’t mentioned in the documentary, it’s actually imperative to note that one of the reasons Xenia was able to be so empathetic towards Mats is because she has a disability too. The Horsens, Denmark native actually has nerve damage in her legs that makes it challenging for her to walk in any way except in a shaky, dragging manner. She can walk relatively comfortably on even paths, but she struggles beyond a step or two if it is uneven, as it triggers severe pain across her body, which is already in chronic pain. Therefore, from what we can tell, the Axelborg resident is a gamer and a passionate cook doing her best at the moment, all the while being surrounded by her loving husband, Brian, and their two adult sons.
Mikkel Riknagel “NikMik” Nielsen is Finding His Own Path in This World
Although Mikkel still resides with his parents in his hometown of Horsens, Denmark, he has since managed to find his calling in this world as a creative being. From what we can tell through the limited information he has put forth, this active gamer is actually interested in the world of arts and studied the same in a local college so as to build a good life for himself. He also appears to be a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, making it evident that he has gradually done the work to accept himself before taking a leap of faith into the real world to be surrounded by people who also accept him for exactly who he is. In other words, it’s evident he is on the path of independence while still maintaining an incredibly tight-knit bond with his family thanks to the immersive experience of World of Warcraft.
Read More: Lisette “Rumour” Roovers: Where is Mats Steen’s Friend Now?
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