Following the lives of staff members working atop a multi-million luxury yacht, the Bravo reality series ‘Below Deck’ has accrued a major fan base over time. The unexpected drama and inevitable arguments between deckhands, stewardesses, and the Captain all combine to make the reality show like any other workplace. The show first premiered in 2013 and has since been running for ten seasons, gaining more fan following. If the regimented activities of the crew keep viewers invigorated, it’s the drama following different approaches between staff that have kept viewers on the hook for ten seasons.
Since its premiere, ‘Below Deck’ has inspired a number of spin-offs that focus on the operational overload that happens behind the scene of different industries. For viewers who prefer to look at the other side of things, ‘Below Deck’ offers discipline and intrigue. However, if you’re caught up and want to see other shows similar to ‘Below Deck’, we’ve got you. We have collated a list of reality television shows similar to ‘Below Deck’ that will effortlessly coalesce the elements of drama and high tension.
8. Vanderpump Rules (2013-)
Maverick Lisa Vanderpump and her family are followed as they attempt to establish and operate SUR Restaurant & Lounge in West Hollywood in Beverly Hills. Released in 2013, this Bravo series follows the challenges the family navigates as they embark upon a journey to establish a trendy Hollywood restaurant. For viewers who loved to see how things work behind the scenes in ‘Below Deck,’ ‘Vanderpump Rules’ also follows the highs and lows of Lisa Vanderpump and the staff. While some chase acclaim and some want fame, the series is the perfect amalgamation of drama, making this the perfect series to watch after ‘Below Deck.’
7. First Class (2022)
If unparalleled luxury and high-demanding guests are your cup of tea, then ‘First Class’, a Spanish Netflix reality show following the luxurious lives of friends from Barcelona, is the right choice for you. Following the exotic locations of Europe with unrivaled wealth, party after party, the fun seems never-ending.
While the fabulous life of a group of friends who spend their days away partying may seem repetitive, it offers viewers a peek into the lavish lifestyle of strangers. The bustling beauty of Barcelona adds a marvellous feature to the reality show, making viewers want to traverse the cobbled lanes of Europe themselves. As such, if the exotic location and multi-million set up in ‘Below Deck’, intrigued you, then ‘First Class’ is the show to watch next.
6. Camp Getaway (2020)
Released in 2020, this Bravo reality show follows Camp Getaway owner David Schreiber and Camp Director Claire Sorrels as they handle the high demands of their guests along with seven inexperienced senior coordinators. However, unlike the camp that many of us are used to, ‘Camp Getaway’ follows the lives of the new recruits as they handle the pressure and demands of their guests at an adult summer camp in Kent, Connecticut. If staff drama enthralled you in ‘Below Deck’, then ‘Camp Getaway’ will serve as the perfect binge-watch reality show to jump on next.
5. Timber Creek Lodge (2016-2017)
Yet another show that focuses on luxury and the stories behind it. The show follows a group of staff members Jamie Murphy, Katy Ann Boyd, Nikita Williams, Jenna Gillund, Blake Dubler and others. Hired to handle a ski lodge located near the village of Whistler, British Columbia, the staff find themselves conflicting on matters of lodging, food and mountain hosting.
Like ‘Below Deck’, ‘Timber Creek Lodge’ sees the ups and downs of crew members who must navigate through inter-personal issues and demands of guests. Also a Bravo series, fans of ‘Below Deck’ will not just be drawn to the secluded picturesque beauty of British Columbia but also to the working dynamics between the cast.
4. Deadliest Catch: Bloodline (2020-)
While ‘Deadliest Catch: Bloodline’ does not provide the bling and luxury of a multi-million yacht, it does fill the gap with gorgeous seaports perched on the unending blue hues. While one is easily taken to the beauty of the ocean, it also brings a sense of thrill as viewers view fishermen charter turbulent waters and catch some of the deadliest fishes.
The show features legacy fisherman Josh Harris on the coast of Hawaii as he navigates the water with maps left behind by his late father, Phil Harris. The Discovery Channel reality television series also follows Josh Harris’ business partners, Casey McManus and Jeff Silva, as the three investigate scribbles found on Hawaiian fishing charts and find tuna, swordfish, barracuda, and many more. Fans of ‘Below Deck’ will find the strong resonance with the ocean and naturally be drawn to the show.
3. Unanchored (2018)
The short series follows the life of young elite professionals as they embark upon an adventure to travel to the Bahamas and join an exclusive floating festival where they will join 30 yachts. Albeit short, this powerful series follows the enigmatic lives of friends who leave behind their jobs and find meaning in the traditions and the culture of the Bahamas.
Instead of the dose of drama that inevitably falls with most reality television shows, ‘Unachored’ on Bravo follows the lives of friends with Captain Jack Royds as they set sail to make lifetime memories and create new adventures. For fans of ‘Below Deck’ who find the yachting industry incredible, this show will provide a close look at similar festivals associated with yachts.
2. Selling Sunset (2019-)
This Netflix reality television series follows the lives of Los Angeles’ seven most successful female realtors. The show unfolds their dynamics as they work under the same agency in the Hollywood Hills and Sunset Strip and try to emerge as the best in the cutthroat market of LA. With consistent entertainment and drama, the series gives an insight into extravagant homes in West Hollywood. For fans of ‘Below Deck’ who want to view luxury at its finest, this is the right show to watch.
1. The Cruise (2016-2019)
This ITV classic follows the logistical challenges as staff members and guests voyage to Alaska atop a 1082-foot-long and 142k-ton ship. The British series first premiered in 2016 and charts the life of staff members and guests as they enjoy their cruise on charter the Regal Princess, a cruise ship that travels around the Mediterranean. For fans of ‘Below Deck,’ this series offers the kind of interaction and dynamics that make ‘Below Deck’ so appealing. So if you loved watching ‘Below Deck’, this show should be the next choice for you.
Read More: Is Below Deck Scripted?
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