Following the story of a complex and morally ambiguous character, ‘Lucky Hank’ is a comedy show created by Aaron Zelma and follows the story of an English college professor named Hank. While the professor’s ambition to be an enterprising writer and a household name was cut short quite early on, the years of discontent and lack of success have morphed into a classic mid-life crisis for the middle-aged man. Along with his personal battles, Hank finds his position as a professor at a small college named Railton, the breeding ground for comedic chaos.
Starring Bob Odenkirk, Mireille Enos, Suzanne Cryer, Sara Amini, Olivia Scott Welch, Jackson Kelly, Diedrich Bader, Shannon DeVido and Cedric Yarbrough, the show is a captivating comedy limned in mundane tones. As Hank finds the sensitive balance between his insecurity complex and ego, it results in a vivid complexity that is exceptional to behold. So, if you found Hank’s occasional warmth and overarching ferocity funny, then here’s a list of shows similar to ‘Lucky Hank.’
8. HAPPYish (2015)
This show follows the story of Thom Payne, a 44-year-old man who receives an unnerving surprise on his birthday when he’s met with his 25-year-old boss whose idea of progress emanates from terminology like digital, social and tech. While Payne feels he’s disarrayed due to the wrong consumption of his ED pills or anti-depressants, the truth remains comically contrary.
The series is created by Shalom Auslander and features Steve Coogan, Kathryn Hahn, Sawyer Shipman, and Bradley Whitford. So, if you enjoyed the whimsical tone set against a truthful and wry narrative in ‘Lucky Hank’, then you will find ‘HAPPYish’ just as bizarre and entertaining.
7. Loudermilk (2017 – 2020)
The story revolves around Sam Loudermilk, a recovering alcoholic and substance-abuser counsellor and support group leader. As a former music critic with a bad attitude, Loudermilk finds himself encountering a number of whimsically odd situations. Despite the grave tones that underline the story, the series follows a comedic narrative with a gritting edge.
Created by Peter Farrelly and Bobby Mort, the show is driven by compelling performances by Ron Livingston, Anja Savcic, Will Sasso, Laura Mennell, Brian Regan, Timothy Webber, Jackie Flynn, Melinda Dahl, and Danny Wattley, ‘Loudermilk’ will keep you on the hook with its unwavering humorous writing even when it deals with deeply dramatic issues, making this the perfect series to binge after, ‘Lucky Hank.’
6. The Chair (2021)
Yet another show that features its protagonists trying to appease the dizzying demands of an educational institution, ‘The Chair’ follows the story of Dr. Ji-Yoon Kim, the first woman of color chosen to become the chair of a failing English department. As she navigates the rocky demands of the workplace and her personal relationships, the ensuing tumult makes for a humorous storyline.
The cast features Sandra Oh, Holland Taylor, Jay Duplass, Everly Carganilla, David Morse, Simone Joy Jones and Ella Rubin. So if you found Hank’s struggles as a professor comedic in ‘Lucky Hank’, then you will find creators Amanda Peet and Annie Julia Wyman’s ‘The Chair’ equally funny.
5. Community (2009-2015)
Created by Dan Harmon, ‘Community’ follows the story of Jeff Winger, a lawyer who was disbarred and suspended from his firm after he was discovered lying about having a bachelor’s degree from Columbia. Naturally, to right his wrongs and correct his path, he decides to enroll at Greendale Community College in Colorado, where he’s met with a team of rag-tag individuals that bring their personal quirks to the table.
The whacky premise is only accentuated by stars Joel McHale, Danny Pudi, Donald Glover, Alison Brie, Gillian Jacobs, Chevy Chase, Yvette Nicole Brown, Ken Jeong, Brie Larson, John Oliver, and Jonathan Banks. So, if you enjoyed the weird yet comical premise set in the expanse of a college funny in ‘Lucky Hank’, you will find a group of odd students in ‘Community’ equally intriguing.
4. Brockmire (2017-2020)
This show follows Jim Brockmire, a Kansas City broadcaster catapulting into a number of disastrous events. Not only does the broadcaster have an on-air meltdown after discovering his wife’s serial infidelity, but he also finds himself enduring an embarrassing turn at a press conference. The show progresses and follows Brockmire’s quest for sanity.
The cast features Hank Azaria, Amanda Peet, Tyrel Jackson Williams, Hemky Madera, Katie Finneran, Reina Hardesty, Paul Rae, Molly Ephraim, Steve Coulter and Tawny Newsome. So, if you found Hank’s midlife crisis in ‘Lucky Hank’ abnormally funny, then you’ll find creator Joel Church Cooper’s oeuvre equally fascinating.
3. Corporate (2018-2020)
This series follows the lives of employees working at the multinational corporation Hampton DeVille. Depicting the bleak realities of corporate life and giving it a nihilistic and absurdist turn, ‘Corporate’ moves away from the typical workplace banter and instead gives a comedic turn to the employees of a conglomerate.
The cast features Matt Ingebreston, Jake Weisman, Adam Lustick, Anne Dudek, Lance Reddick, Aparna Nancherla, Baron Vaughn, Anna Akana and Sasheer Zamata. The series is created by Pat Bishop, Matt Ingebreston and Jake Weisman and follows the same nihilistic and bleak outlook that kept Hank from doing anything worthwhile in ‘Lucky Hank,’ making this the perfect series for you to watch next.
2. After Life (2019-2022)
Created by Ricky Gervais, ‘After Life’ follows the story of Tony, a widowed man whose life has come to an abysmal halt after losing his wife to breast cancer. From contemplating suicide to finding ways to extract benefits from those around him, the story follows a gritty, sentimental, uniquely comedic narrative. On his quest to do and say whatever he wants, Tony ends up finding the meaning of life in different ways.
The cast features Ricky Gervais, Diane Morgan, Mandeep Dhillon, David Earl, Roisin Conaty, Ashley Jensen, David Bradley, Paul Kaye and Kerry Godliman. So if you found the unbelievable mix of dreams, life and hopelessness engrossing in ‘Lucky Hank’, then you’ll find ‘After Life’ heartwarmingly funny.
1. Fleabag (2016-2019)
The show is created by Phoebe Waller-Bridge and follows the story of Fleabag, a young woman trying to cope with the travails of life, the bizarre dynamics of her family and loss. Phoebe Waller-Bridge appears in the titular role, and the ensemble features Sian Clifford, Andrew Scott, Brett Gelman, Olivia Colman, Jenny Rainsford, Bill Paterson and Ben Aldridge.
The show induces bellowing laughter as Fleabag continues to break the third wall and works her way through her messy life. The critically acclaimed comedy series enraptures viewers with its touching and even heartbreaking storyline. So, if you found the dramatic events in ‘Lucky Hank’ entertaining, then you’ll find ‘Fleabag’ humorous too.
Read More: Is Lucky Hank Based on a True Story?
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