In a grueling test of human will, ‘Alone’ follows the self-documented daily struggles of 10 individuals in the wild. In its tenth iteration, it features the brevity of man, the lengths to which contestants can go to escape vicious predators, and the unending challenges nature presents. The History Channel reality TV show centers on ten contestants documenting themselves and standing testament to the extent of human capacity. Alan Tenta is one of the contestants whose survival techniques in the solitude of Northern Saskatchewan, Canada, have intrigued people. If you’re also curious to know more about the survival show star, look no further because we’ve got all the answers here!
Childhood Lessons: Alan’s Early Survival Skills
Born in 1971, Alan Tenta currently lives in Columbia Valley in British Columbia, Canada. At 52, his love for nature fueled his entry into the show. As a child, Alan learned the basics of survival under the tutelage of his father. Traversing the bounty of nature along with his family, he developed a knack for fishing, hunting, and archery quite early on. As for his education, Alan graduated from the University of British Columbia and specialized in teaching.
Alan Tenta’s Profession
Having graduated with a degree in teaching, Alan started exploring a career in education. He started working at a school in Fort Nelson in Northern British Columbia. After his stint there, Alan decided to shift to British Columbia in 2010. There, he began teaching at the David Thompson Secondary School at Invermere, Columbia Valley.
While Alan continued to teach subjects like English, Social Studies, and Physical Education, he believed he could generate more value for numerous students. Moreover, his interest in the outdoors propelled him to do something more. As such, Alan took it upon himself to have outdoor education added to the syllabi. After the local school board approved the request, he began teaching children the basics of outdoor survival in 2016. Alan’s curriculum included how to tie flies, fly fish, ice fish, cross-country skiing, rock climbing, and various activities.
Chosen amongst 40,000 applications for ‘Alone,’ Alan’s path to the survival show was also carved by his students. In an interview with the Columbia Valley Pioneer, Alan recounted that his students encouraged him to apply for the show. Once, in a woodworking class, an episode of the survival series was playing in the background. His students suddenly urged their teacher to apply for the post, aware of his capabilities in the outdoors. And so, after several interviews suited to test the skill and will of the individual, Alan Tenta became one of the ten individuals going head to head on the show for a cash prize of $500,000.
Alan Tenta’s Family Life With Wife and Kids
In addition to a fruitful career that ultimately carved a path for him to become a reality star, teaching allowed Alan to work closely with his spouse. He is married to Lisa Tenta, the Vice-Principal of David Thompson Secondary School. The duo also share a son and a daughter named Davis and Mackenzie. The family moved to British Columbia in 2010 and resides in the province.
And so, while the immersive capacity of nature to bring everything to a standstill and leave everyone at peace compelled Alan to apply to ‘Alone,’ the cumulative experiences of his childhood and adult life also urged him to appear on the show. Nevertheless, we wish Alan the best of luck in his personal and professional endeavors!
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