Directed by Cameron Crowe, the romantic comedy film, ‘Aloha,’ follows a military contractor named Brian Gilcrest, who is tasked with overseeing the launch of a private military satellite over the skies of Hawaii. His boss, Carson Welch, hosts a Christmas party at the Royal Aloha Hotel, where Brian finds himself falling for his new watchdog, Captain Allison Ng. The two end up sharing several intimate and enjoyable discussions in the confines of the Royal Aloha, with their rooms separated by just a thin wall. As such, the place plays a pivotal role in bringing the two central characters closer to one another and being a recurring presence throughout the narrative! SPOILERS AHEAD.
The Royal Aloha is a Hawaiian Abode Untethered From Reality
The Royal Aloha Hotel in ‘Aloha’ is a fictional hotel conceived by writer, director, and co-producer Cameron Crowe. It is Brian’s place of domicile after he travels to Hawaii to work for Global One in launching their state-of-the-art satellite. It makes an impression on the protagonist and Captain Allison Ng, who divulges information about Brian to her mother during their first night at the hotel. Brian overhears her conversation by tapping into her signal, gaining insight into what his new partner thinks of him. Later, it holds a special place in both their hearts as Allison can be seen putting a Royal Aloha sticker on a journal.
While the hotel depicted in the movie may be fictional, an establishment with the same name can be found in Honolulu, Hawaii. It is a hotel with ample amenities, situated near attractions like Kahanamoku Beach, Fort DeRussy Beach, and Waikiki Beach. However, unlike the real-life hotel, the Royal Aloha in the Crowe directorial is a made-up establishment crafted to play a specific purpose in the narrative. Filming for ‘Aloha’ took place in Hawaii, with the director stating, “Everybody has a very easy, simple perception of Hawaii, but it’s so much more complex and deep and magical, loving, real, and passionate, and filled with secrets, than most people can even imagine.”
The Breakers Hotel at 250 Beach Walk in Honolulu, Hawaii, doubled up as the Royal Aloha in the movie. It is a 2-star hotel just half a block from Waikiki Beach, which is famed for its swimming and surfing. It has an open and informal atmosphere that suits the laid-back Hawaiian attitude familiar to the region, imparting it through its hospitality. As such, its interiors reflect The Aloha State’s spiritual and natural connection. The hotel provides the backdrop to Brian and Allison’s newfound interest in one another, including the place where they have sex for the first time. However, despite the Royal Hotel playing an essential, recurring role in the story, its genesis is mainly confined to fiction.
Read More: Aloha: Is Global One a Real Space Company? Is Brave Angel a Real Satellite Project?