Netflix’s ‘Nineteen to Twenty‘ is a Korean reality show that follows various youngsters whose Korean age is nineteen at the show’s start. With the arrival of the new year and the cast members turning twenty, several new connections are formed within the show as everyone tries to find meaningful relationships. One of the most exciting pairs to follow during this show has been that of Noh Hee-ji and Kim Pyeong-seok, whose sweet story has captured the hearts of almost every single viewer. If you are curious whether the two are still together, worry not because we have your back!
Noh Hee-ji and Kim Pyeong-seok’s Nineteen to Twenty Journey
Noh Hee-ji was one of the first eight people to enter the 19 School and became good friends with many people. Her charming and open personality certainly endeared her to the viewers, though it did not seem like she was interested in any of the present boys in the show. That said, she did become the class Vice-President with Lee Ji-min becoming the President. However, things changed on Day 3 as the present class members welcomed new students.
As soon as Kim Pyeong-seok entered the 19 School, Hee-ji could not help but feel attracted to him. The fact that the two were paired up to sit together during class also enabled them to get to know each other better. As they approached their 20th birthday, the two only seemed to have eyes for each other and even enjoyed spending time together during the group tour of the amusement park.
After the cast members moved to the 20 House, they awaited the countdown that would officially make them 20. After that particular development, Hee-ji was eager to go on a date with Pyeong-seok and was pleasantly surprised when he took the initiative to ask her out. His general shyness when talking had made her unprepared for his openness regarding dating, but she certainly took joy in the same.
While Hee-ji and Pyeong-seok were undoubtedly good friends with their housemates, their bond with each other was like none other. When it came to romance, they only had eyes for each other. In fact, during his casual date with Choi Ye-rin, Pyeong-seok remained firm that he was interested in Hee-ji and no one else. His care for her was evident when he accidentally broke a glass after one of their casual dates, irritating her eyes.
Already afraid that he might be the reason behind Hee-ji’s tired state (not realizing that she had been putting out metaphorical heart-break-induced fires left and right for others), Pyeong-seok was devastated and unsure how to talk to her about this. However, she took no time to soothe his concerns, and the two continued to build their connection.
Interestingly, despite being one of the earliest established couples in the show, the two did not go on a dream date for the longest time due to various circumstances. Ultimately, they went on a fun day out on a cruise ship, which they felt was a fitting time together, ending with Hee-ji kissing Pyeong-seok on the cheek.
Noh Hee-ji and Kim Pyeong-seok: No Update Yet on Their Relationship Status
As of writing, Hee-ji and Pyeong-seok have not shared any updates regarding their relationship. Given their time together on the show, we hope they are still together. After all, their relationship was one of the smoothest during the experience and also gave viewers some heartwarming moments.
Additionally, they follow each other on Instagram, indicating, if nothing else, an amicable relationship between them. Hee-ji and Pyeong-seok seem to enjoy their respective lives and have been quite vocal about their appreciation for the Netflix show’s experience. We wish them the best in their lives and hope they have a wonderful future.
Read More: Are Lim Jung-yun and Jeong Ji-woo From Nineteen to Twenty Still Together?
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