TLC’s ‘1000-Lb Sisters‘ is a reality series that features the life of Amy Slaton-Halterman and Tammy Slaton, two sisters from Kentucky who’ve embarked on their weight-loss journey. Season 4 featured a brewing romance between Tammy and Caleb Willingham, who had no plans of slowing down. Even though their connection seemed sweet, there were some moments that raised quite a few eyebrows. So, let’s see how that turned out for the couple and take a closer look at their relationship.
Tammy and Caleb’s 1000-Lb Sisters Journey
Tammy is a 36-year-old television personality and influencer, and she met Caleb, who had been living in the same rehab center for nearly a year. After her stay at the weight loss rehab facility, she was withheld from going home due to a trach infection. Even though she was annoyed at first, she was pleasantly surprised after the timing of her life finally aligned. Tammy met Caleb during this period, and they were quick to get flirty with each other.
Soon, the two started sharing hugs and kisses because they were rejoiced to be in their partner’s company. Caleb took their relationship to the next level when he reportedly proposed to Tammy in October 2022. She informed her family about the engagement and revealed her wedding was only two weeks away. Her sister Amy became the Maid of Honor, but everyone was still confused as to see why she was rushing into the marriage.
However, the couple seemed deep in love and unbothered about anyone else. During his confessional, Caleb said, “When you kiss the person that you’re in love with, the whole world’s supposed to move. That’s exactly what happened.” But in one episode, Caleb confirmed that he joined rehab because of Tammy. He went through her socials and was inspired by her journey. Tammy wasn’t shocked by his revelation, but some fans were definitely alarmed by his behavior. So, was the family’s hunch about their relationship correct, or were they worried for nothing? Let’s find out!
Tammy and Caleb Are Likely Married Now
Yes, Tammy and Caleb are still together. As per reports, the couple tied the knot in a private wedding at the Ohio rehab center. Her loved ones and the staff were all present for their special moment. Moreover, Tammy wholeheartedly thanked her new husband for turning her life around and pulling her out of a dark place.
After their wedding, the couple was discharged and moved to separate places. Tammy was back at her home in Kentucky while Caleb was still in Ohio. There are no updates about their relationship on Instagram or anywhere else, so it’s hard to say where the couple stands now.
Fans speculate that driving so far to see each other might not be possible for both due to their health conditions. In an interview, the couple opened up about their love for each other; Tammy said, “It was the best day of our lives. There was so much love in the room. I’m thankful that so many family members and our family from the rehab were able to come.” So, it is likely that the duo is facing problems in their relationship, and we hope they can resolve them.
Moreover, the lack of updates could also be the result of an NDA, which makes them contractually obliged not to unveil any detail about their current status. No matter what the case, fans can rest assured because they’ve both survived through difficult times and made it so far. That said, we are eager to see what turn their partnership has taken and what outcome it will lead to. As their well-wishers, we only hope for the best for both individuals.
Read More: Where Is 1000-lb Sisters Filmed?
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