Becky: Who Was She? Was She Real? Has She Possessed Don Philips?

When Don Philips was merely seven or eight, he said he began feeling spiritual energies around him. He added that he soon realized he had the ability to actually speak to them. As per him, these were spirit people who had passed yet not entirely crossed over, as explored in Netflix’s ‘Unsolved Mysteries: My Paranormal Partner,’ yet he never told anyone until he was much older. Little did anyone know he would end up evolving into a paranormal researcher whose sole aim is to help, just to one day allegedly come across an essence named “Becky” who stuck around.

Don Philips Claims to Have First Encountered Becky in 2011

Having already established a well-reputed career for himself by the 2010s, Don was one of the many paranormal investigators Leicester, UK resident Gaynor Issitt had contacted in the summer of 2011. That’s because she reportedly wanted to have her house finally be rid of/at peace with the “evil spirit” that had been bothering her as well as her kids for the better part of at least three decades. However, according to the original production, neither she nor Don could have ever imagined he would ostensibly encounter not one but two presences in her home — one kind and the other very wicked.

As per Don’s own accounts, the former quickly introduced herself as Becky before offering her assistance and quieting down the other spirit, leading them to become an unexpected yet solid team. We specify “unexpected” because unlike all the other energies this researcher claims to have experienced, she alone did not move away from him or leave him in any way, shape, or form. Thus began their supposed adventures together, only for them to reportedly prove time and time again that they are indeed partners whose motives are just to help others experiencing “negative” energies and explore new areas.

There’s No Historical Evidence to Confirm Becky’s Existence

While many believe Becky was in no way a real person or is even a spirit, many have had their doubts, considering the backstory Don said she gave him shortly after their first encounter. According to the show, she claimed to be a 35-year-old mother of two and a school teacher when she died in a plane or a train crash in 1985 before adding that she never was able to cross over. However, according to fellow paranormal investigator/researcher Barry Fitzgerald in the show, none of this is true — there should be a historical document verifying her identity if what she stated was actually honest, but there isn’t.

Yet, Don doesn’t care. He admitted in the original that even if what he believes to be experiencing with “Becky” is just a lie, he will continue to respect her the same way she allegedly does him. After all, he indicated, she has always helped him in his endeavors and she reportedly even let individuals like Chris Andrews, as well as Steve Mara, hear her “voice” to corroborate his purported experiences. From the UK to Ireland to the US, this duo has seemingly helped several people be at peace in their own spaces for over a decade now, and Don now doesn’t see it happening any other way.

Many Think the Purported Spirit Becky Has Long Possessed Don Philips

Because of the kind of dependant and interpersonal relationship Becky and Don have reportedly built over the past 13 years, many paranormal experts believe she has possessed him. They claim all her supposed actions are actually selfish just so she can get an opportunity to continue living life through him, especially since he has also since claimed that he can now feel her energy all the time. Nevertheless, just like her existence and his abilities in their entirety, nothing concerning this can be proved through science and logic because there is no set way a purported spirit works.

However, what’s imperative to note is that, according to the show, Don doesn’t mind if Becky has indeed possessed him because of how his life has progressed in the last decade or so. He actually stated in the show that she is now a part of him, and if she were to ever leave, he believes half of him would be gone too. That’s how interwoven their alleged connection has gotten over the years; it’s as if a majority of his supposed abilities are now primarily being derived from “Becky” alone. This is just part of why he has asserted he never wants them to be separated and hopes to continue working to help others for as long as possible.

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