In the second episode of ABC’s crime drama series ‘High Potential,’ Morgan investigates the attempted murder of Damian Ross, a tap dancer who works at The Body Shop Brothers, an auto shop in Los Angeles, California. The investigation becomes intricate when another employee of the auto shop, Roland, gets killed. The victims’ workplace becomes the focus of Morgan and Karadec’s attention as the former realizes that the killer is closely associated with the establishment. Her efforts to unravel his identity yield results and bring peace to the workers of the commendable business, where ex-convicts are encouraged to open a new chapter of their lives!
The Body Shop Brothers Does Not Exist in Real Life
The Body Shop Brothers (BSB) is a fictional auto shop in Los Angeles without an exact real-life counterpart. There are several auto/body shops nationwide with the word “brothers” in their names. There are two establishments named “Brothers Body Shop” in Las Vegas, Nevada, and San Jose, California. However, none of these are directly connected to the auto shop that employs ex-convicts in ‘High Potential.’ The second episode’s mystery was conceived around the killer’s accessibility to various cars he uses as getaway vehicles. For someone to lay his hands on these many cars, he must be associated with a source where he can readily access several vehicles, which justifies the creation of a fictional auto shop.
While The Body Shop Brothers (BSB) does not exist in reality, there are multiple actual establishments or organizations in Los Angeles that focus on rehabilitating ex-convicts. One of the prominent examples is Homeboy Industries, a youth program that was founded by a Jesuit missionary named Father Greg Boyle. The organization’s operations include several stores similar to the auto shop we see in the crime drama series. However, Homeboy Industries does not have an auto/body store. The most similar enterprise is the program’s electronics and recycling wing. Their other popular ventures include Homeboy Bakery, Homeboy Diner, and Homegirl Café & Catering.
The focus on the ex-convicts in the episode is a carefully integrated plot point. The killer targets Roland only because he decides to walk away from the world of crime to undergo a period of rehabilitation and transformation under Damian’s guidance. For such a change to materialize convincingly, he should be in a positive and motivating environment. Considering the success stories Homeboy Industries and similar organizations have been sharing with the rest of the world, turning a workplace into a rehabilitation center makes sense, explaining the creation of The Body Shop Brothers.
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