Battling for the top spot, twelve contestants go head to head in a battle of endurance and skill in ‘Tough as Nails.’ The CBS reality television show follows twelve participants from the States and Canada in a series of competitions. As the participants try to vie for the top spot, they use their skillset to overcome the hurdles in their way. Especially interesting is the perspective brought by contestants on the show. One of the people whose unfazed demeanor on the show has sparked curiosity is Cheryl Lieteau. So, if you’re also curious to learn more about the star, look no further because we’ve got all the answers!
Cheryl is Beloved by Her Family and Friends
At the age of 55, Cheryl has spent the majority of her life devoted to her work. A staunch believer in equality, she grabbed every opportunity that came her way. As a child taught to be self-reliant, Cheryl cultivated these instincts, which later allowed her to partake in several testing challenges, including ‘Tough as Nails.’ After graduating high school, Cheryl enrolled at the Montserrat College of Art in 1986. However, she had to extend the same due to some brief issues. Cheryl completed her graduation in 1999 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Sculpture.
Cheryl Lieteau’s Profession
After graduating from school, Cheryl did not know she would have the opportunity to become a carpenter. Admittedly, Cheryl was aware that the kind of skills that she later imbibed wouldn’t have been taught to her in school. Nevertheless, she still used her training in sculpture to enhance her trade as a carpenter. She was an apprentice at the UBC International Sisters in the Brotherhood Committee in Millbury, Massachusetts. Having perfected her craft in the apprenticeship, she started working as a carpenter and took on different roles.
Cheryl became an Instructor and Training Conductor at the New England Carpenters Traning Fund in 2012. After spending over eight years at the company, she departed in 2021 and joined the Eastwind Corporation as a Carpenter in Somerville, Massachusetts. While her work in the role keeps her busy, she is also an active union member of Carpenters Local 328.
Here, Cheryl has worked as a carpenter, a foreman, and even a superintendent. The entertainment star has spent more than 30 years in the same field. Besides this, she is the Instructor and Coordinator at the North Atlantic States Carpenting Training Fund. Cheryl teaches pupils and apprentices at Building Pathways in Worcester and Boston in her free time. As such, Cheryl’s career has taken her through many eventful phases.
Cheryl Lieteau Likes to Keep Her Dating Life Under Wraps
While Cheryl’s work and generous contribution to society have gained her wide renown, the reality star likes to keep her private life under wraps. Consequently, she keeps her dating history and prospective partner’s knowledge concealed. Yet, despite maintaining secrecy in her personal life, Cheryl is still heralded for her work in the local community.
Cheryl is also beloved by her family and friends, with whom she spends most of her time. Not just that, she likes to keep a mellow profile, so she does not use social media. Nevertheless, Cheryl’s wide range of interests and abilities have allowed her to compete in such a testing challenge, even at 55. As such, we hope that she achieves new heights in her professional and personal life.
Read More: Lia Mort: Where is Tough as Nails Season 3 Winner Now?
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