Directed by Mark Steven Johnson, Netflix’s romantic film ‘Love in the Villa’ revolves around Julie Hutton and Charlie Fletcher, who get forced to share a villa upon arriving in the Italian city of Verona. Before Julie arrives in the city, her boyfriend Brandon tells her that he needs a break from their relationship, which leads her to consider him no less than an ex-partner. Likewise, Charlie and his partner Cassie have been taking a break from their relationship while the former is in Verona.
Both Cassie and Brandon eventually end up in the same city, much to the surprise of Charlie and Julie. Even though Cassie and Brandon’s plans to get back together with Charlie and Julie respectively do not go as they want, they strike a connection during their brief encounter. Does that mean they end up together? Well, here are our thoughts! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Charlie and Julie Prioritize Dreams
Both Charlie and Julie arrive in Verona with the baggage of their previous relationships. As far as Julie is concerned, Brandon is nothing but a closed chapter for her. In Charlie’s case, he emotionally distances himself from the on-and-off dramas of his relationship with Cassie. But Brandon and Cassie think differently. Coincidentally, they both arrive in Verona to meet their partners who aren’t ready to welcome them. Brandon meets Julie and expresses how much his colleagues and family members miss her but doesn’t express whether he misses her. Cassie, on the other hand, doesn’t let go of Charlie after having several breaks in their relationship.
But this time, both Cassie and Brandon meet a changed Charlie and Julie respectively. Charlie, through his time with Julie, realizes that his dreams and aspirations shouldn’t be valued by the monetary figures. Julie, on the other hand, realizes that she is good enough to dream and wait for a “Romeo” rather than lowering the bar and settling with Brandon. These realizations lead to Charlie and Julie’s break up with Cassie and Brandon respectively. While Charlie and Julie become a perfect match, Cassie and Brandon also show us how they are a perfect match as well.
After meeting Cassie, Brandon becomes ecstatic upon knowing that he is having dinner with a fashion designer who was featured in Vogue. He can celebrate her achievements and find value in the same, unlike Charlie. Brandon is a perfect match for Cassie since both of them do not care about the strength of emotional connection when it comes to their relationships. When Charlie breaks up with Cassie, she is more concerned about creating a narrative that she broke up with him to protect her image. Brandon wants to reunite with Julie only because his family members and colleagues do care about Julie and not because his mind is immersed in love for her.
Since Cassie and Brandon care more about the outward appearance of their relationship, their notions about love and relationships do match and there is a possibility that they will end up together. However, at the end of the film, Brandon orders two glasses of prosecco, the same white vine Cassie couldn’t even take a sip of while she was with Charlie, for him and Cassie. Brandon’s taste in wine may make Cassie think that he is inferior to her in several ways. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that Cassie will not welcome Brandon into her life as her boyfriend.
Throughout Cassie’s relationship with Charlie, she has frequently reminded him how she is a superior person between the two and how she is way out of his league. Cassie believes that Charlie is fortunate to have an accomplished girlfriend like her. This sense of superiority must even be giving her a sense of power and authority in their relationship. If Cassie really wants to exert such power over her partner, Brandon is her best choice. Since she has achieved more and cherishes a superior status in society, she must be able to control Brandon and the power she can gain in such a relationship may make her consider accepting the latter as her new boyfriend.
Read More: Is Netflix’s Love in the Villa Based on a True Story?
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