Netflix’s ‘Locke and Key’ follows the Locke family children as they safeguard the magical keys of their ancestral home— Keyhouse. Having recently moved to Matheson from Seattle, Tyler, Kinsey, and Bode initially struggle to fit in, and none more than Kinsey. However, she eventually becomes close friends with the eclectic Savini Group, mostly because of the incessant friendly invitations from Scot.
Ever since season 1, Scot and Kinsey have had chemistry, but something or the other has always come in the way. Scot has often made his affection for Kinsey clear, but the latter remains undecided and almost breaks Scot’s heart when she begins dating Gabe. However, the one silver lining of Gabe being revealed as a demon is that it now gives Scot and Kinsey another shot at romance. So do they end up together? Let’s find out.
Do Kinsey and Scot End Up Together?
When Kinsey starts dating Gabe, Scot initially tries to go along with it but realizes that it is too painful not to know for sure whether Kinsey will ever be with him or not. He, therefore, agrees to remain good friends with her and continues to be part of the magical adventures that ensue. However, as season 2 progresses, Kinsey gets increasingly suspicious of Gabe’s intentions. The fact that he refuses to let her look inside his head actually pushes Kinsey to feel closer to Scot, inside whose head she has been. In a way, despite dating Gabe, it seems more and more that Kinsey trusts Scot over him.
The real blow comes when Scot reveals that he might leave Matheson and go back to England. Though she doesn’t show it, Kinsey is devastated and quite possibly realizes then just how important Scot is to her. The feeling is made stronger when he reveals near the end of season 2 that he is not leaving and feels like he should stay in Matheson. The two then kiss, and it seems like they are finally together.
Alas, season 2 ends things on an ambiguous note, and we don’t get to see whether Kinsey and Scot officially start dating after sharing a brief kiss. The closing scenes tell us that Kinsey is staying back in Matheson while Tyler sets off on his travels. Since Scot also decides to stay back, there is a chance that they do end up together. The fact that he has risked his life on multiple occasions for Kinsey also shows just how devoted he is to her.
However, from the dynamic between the two, it seems more likely that Kinsey and Scot will remain friends and each other’s adventurous accomplices rather than be in a relationship. Even if they do briefly date, it seems like their personalities would make for an unbalanced relationship (with Scot always being the one following Kinsey’s orders). Ultimately, a romance between the two seems highly unlikely in the long run. However, we can expect to see them embark on many twisted magical adventures together.
Read More: Shows Like Locke And Key
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