Does Joseph Gordon-Levitt Sing and Play Guitar in Real Life?

Written and directed by John Carney, ‘Flora and Son’ is a comedy-drama movie starring Eve Hewson as Flora, a single mother. After Flora refurbishes an old guitar, she discovers the power of music, and her dented relationship with her rebellious son, Max, starts healing. Flora takes to Jeff (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), an LA-based washed-up musician who gives guitar lessons over Zoom. As a result, viewers must be curious to learn whether actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who plays the talented and charming music teacher, Jeff, knows singing and plays guitar and his real-life musical prowess.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt is Proficient in Playing the Guitar

In ‘Flora and Son,’ actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays the role of Jeff, an LA-based music teacher. Flora (Eve Hewson of ‘Bad Sisters‘), a single mother, refurbished an old and busted acoustic guitar to gift her son, Max, so she can keep him occupied and away from trouble. However, when Max refuses the gift, Flora tries to learn the guitar herself. In the process, she comes across Jeff, a guitar teacher and washed-up musician offering lessons over Zoom.

In ‘Flora and Son,’ Gordon-Levitt plays Jeff, a skilled and talented guitar teacher who failed to become a professional musician. As a result, the film features several sequences featuring Gordon-Levitt playing the guitar expertly and singing soulful and melodic songs.

At the start of his career, Gordon-Levitt joined a musical theater group and was known for his child acting roles. However, Gordon-Levitt also harbored a passion for music from a young age. He is proficient in playing the guitar and piano. In a 2014 interview, Gordon-Levitt revealed that he has been playing the guitar since the age of 12. Therefore, it is safe to assume that Gordon-Levitt actually played the guitar while filming ‘Flora and Son.’ His proficiency with the musical instrument lends authenticity to his performance as a music teacher who encourages Flora to understand the life-changing power of music.

Gordon-Levitt founded HitRecord, an online collaborative media platform through which he has released some of his music. Although Gordon-Levitt never pursued a fully-fledged music career, he has released several covers, singles, and two musical albums. As a result, it is safe to say that the actor is also a talented singer in real life, similar to his onscreen counterpart. Moreover, Gordon-Levitt has lent his voice to five songs on the official soundtrack of ‘Flora and Son.’ According to director John Carney, the actor was so confident in his abilities to play the role of Jeff that he wrote a letter explaining why he would be the perfect fit for the part.

Read More: Where Was Apple TV+’s Flora and Son Filmed?