Created by Steven Knight, ‘Peaky Blinders’ is a period crime drama series about organized crime in Britain between the two World Wars. The story predominantly revolves around the part Irish Catholic and part Romani Shelby family, the leaders of the eponymous Birmingham-based street gang. In season 2, the audience is introduced to Michael Gray (Finn Cole), the son of Polly Gray. He quickly becomes a part of the main cast of characters. Polly doesn’t want her son to be involved in the darker aspects of their family business but eventually realizes that she can’t stop him. If you are wondering whether Michael dies in the sixth and final season of ‘Peaky Blinders,’ we got you covered. SPOILERS AHEAD.
Does Michael survive?
The relationship between Michael and Tommy Shelby, the head of the Shelby family, progressively worsens throughout the course of the series. In season 5, Michael suggests they should restructure their organization with him and his American wife Gina at the top. Predictably, Tommy rejects the suggestion.
Polly even gives an ominous prophecy involving Michael and Tommy. “There will be a war in this family, and one of you will die,” she declares. Ironically, the war she predicts here truly begins after her death. When the sixth season begins, the Shelby family discovers that the IRA has killed Polly. Blaming Tommy and his ambitions for the death of his mother, Michael travels back to the US with his wife. He subsequently begins working for Gina’s uncle Jack Nelson, the powerful and influential crime boss turned businessman and politician. He and Tommy don’t see each other for the following four years.
In 1933, Michael represents Nelson’s interests in a meeting with Tommy. With the Prohibition Era coming to an end, Tommy proposes that he will supply opium to Nelson’s gang, who then can distribute it in America. It seems to begin a business relationship between Tommy and Nelson, but it quickly becomes apparent that both men are keen on taking down each other. Tommy puts Michael in jail for opium possession, effectively taking the latter out of the equation as Tommy tries to secure a deal with Nelson.
Michael spends the months in jail contemplating revenge. He asserts that he should be the one to kill Tommy. He gets the chance after he is released from prison. In the season finale, Michael comes to Miquelon Island with several associates of Nelson and meets Tommy again. However, Johnny Dogs, a longtime underling of Tommy, switches the car bomb Michael brought to kill Tommy. When it explodes, it kills the men that accompanied Michael. But he doesn’t know this and comes out of the pub he was in. It is then that he finds himself staring into the barrel of Tommy’s gun.
Knowing that he will die in the next few moments, Michael points out to Tommy that the latter is the reason for all the miseries that their family has suffered. It is his final act of rebellion against a man who has beaten him once more. Michael seems resigned about his fate, even relieved to a degree. And then Tommy shoots him through the eye, killing him and fulfilling Polly’s prophecy.
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