A TV series adaptation of George R. Stewart’s post-apocalyptic science-fiction novel ‘Earth Abides’ is currently in development at Amazon MGM Studios. The filming of the project is scheduled to start in April in British Columbia and conclude in May. The show is penned by Karen Janszen, Todd Komarnicki, Evan Hart, Tony Spiridakis, and Kyle Stephen.
The series revolves around Isherwood “Ish” Williams, a resilient survivor who resurfaces to the world after several months of isolation, only to learn that a majority of the world’s population has perished due to a mysterious illness. Although his instincts make him consider going back to isolation, he overcomes those feelings to lead the charge to develop a new civilization.
Karen Janszen is known for co-writing ‘A Walk to Remember‘ with Nicholas Sparks. The screenwriter co-penned Netflix’s biographical drama film ‘Rescued by Ruby’ and co-created the TV series ‘Mars’ for National Geographic. The credits of Komarnicki, known for co-writing Mel Gibson and Sean Penn-starrer ‘The Professor and the Madman,’ include Tom Hanks-starrer ‘Sully,’ ‘Perfect Stranger,’ and ‘Resistance.’ Evan Hart, doubling as an actor and director, contributed to shows such as ‘The Art of More’ and ‘This Is.’ Spiridakis, recognized for films like Robert De Niro-starrer ‘Ezra’ and ‘Queens Logic,’ brings his experience to the team. Stephen is also known for ‘The Art of More.’
Stewart’s ‘Earth Abides’ was originally published in 1949. The novel secured the first International Fantasy Award in 1951 and earned a spot on Locus Magazine’s list of All-Time Best Science Fiction in 1987 and 1998. Additionally, the work was a nominee for induction into the Prometheus Hall of Fame. In November 1950, the novel was adapted into a two-part radio drama titled ‘Escape,’ featuring John Dehner, by CBS.
British Columbia, the principal location of the limited series, earlier hosted several renowned productions such as ‘Percy Jackson and the Olympians‘ and ‘Death and Other Details.’
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