As the name suggests, ‘Survivor‘ is a thrilling survival-reality TV show that follows a group of contestants on an uninhabited island. The contestants are initially tasked with inhabiting the island and finding the basic necessities of food, fire, and shelter. Then they are pitted in a series of challenges against one another, leading to eliminations until there is one winner.
Liana Wallace was introduced on ‘Survivor’ Season 41 and soon became a favorite because of her cheerful nature. As with most new reality TV stars, interest surrounding Liana’s life is at an all-time high as fans are curious to know about the young contestant. Well, here is what we found out!
Liana Wallace’s Family and Early Life
Although Liana Wallace prefers to keep the identities of her family members unknown, she grew up as a part of a close-knit family in Evanston, Illinois. In fact, it was her parents, specifically her mother, who first got Liana interested in ‘Survivor,’ which the whole family used to watch together. Growing up in a family with two elder siblings — Andre and Jordan, Liana and her brothers even engaged in playing a make-believe version of ‘Survivor’ in their childhood.
Once the auditions for season 41 opened up, Liana’s mother encouraged her to try her luck. Liana, too, decided that after a terrible 2020, people should go out there and do what they feel like in order to make their dreams come true. Thus, without much expectation, Liana appeared for an audition, and the rest is history. However, even after becoming a household name on television and gaining fame, Liana maintains an intimate bond with her loved ones and manages to take time out to spend with them. It is also quite lovely to witness her bond with her siblings, which she showcases in her social media posts.
Liana Wallace’s Age and Profession
Surprisingly, Liana found her way onto ‘Survivor’ at just 20 years of age and is now in her junior year at Washington D.C.’s Georgetown University, from where she will graduate in 2023. After graduating from the Evanston Township High School in 2019, Liana chose to major in International Business and Finance with a minor in Gender and Women Studies. The young contestant even mentioned that her parents had worked hard to put her through school. Thus, studying seriously and getting into a renowned college was her way of expressing her gratitude towards them.
Apart from her college courses, Liana found employment as a Consultant at Innovo Consulting from September 2019 to August 2021. At present, she has taken up the mantle of Internal Project Manager. Moreover, she even worked as a Sophomore Summer Business Analyst at McKinsey & Company from June to August 2021. Additionally, it seems like Liana is quite interested in social work, especially concerning children, and has even visited Cameroon to work with them.
Is Liana Wallace Dating Anyone?
Although Liana Wallace’s social media shows her making loads of memories with her siblings, there is no prominent mention of a significant other. It seems like Liana prefers to keep a lid on her dating life, leading to a dearth of reports on a potential romantic partner. With her current relationship status quite unclear, we would like to respect her privacy and hope happiness never eludes her in the days to come.