From Season 3 Episode 3 Recap: Mouse Trap

As the characters continue pursuing the mystery of their existence in ‘From’ season 3, the Town shrivels up its secrets further, consistently preventing folks from reaching the puzzle’s center. In episode 3, titled ‘Mouse Trap,’ Tabitha, who still remains stranded in the outside world, finds a new collaborator in Victor’s father, Henry. Meanwhile, back in the Township, Boyd continues struggling with Tian-Chen’s death and—in his fear and grief—comes up with a dangerous plan that might be more trouble than it is worth. On the other hand, while Jim tries to look after his kids, Kenny corrals the Town back into the forest to forage for food supplies again. Somehow, as these different characters venture out on their separate adventures, each of them ends up in a dire predicament of their own. SPOILERS AHEAD!

Jim Continues Receiving Cryptic Calls

After the events in episode 2, Jim’s sense of responsibility for his family inevitably changes. Now, he’s more focused on the safety of Ethan and Julie, unwilling to let their mother’s disappearance turn him into an absent father as well. As it turns out, it ends up being a wise decision now that the Town seems to be gearing up to throw new dangers at the Matthews. At his house, Jim receives an inexplicable call from Thomas, Jim and Tabitha’s baby boy, who died before the family became trapped in the Town. Nevertheless, after all this time in the Town, Jim isn’t one to believe in miracles and knows a trick when he sees one.

Jim already knows from his previous experience that unknown wicked forces control the Town’s radio line. Thus, he knows that the same forces are now using Thomas’ voice to manipulate him. Still, he has no choice but to comply, as the voice advises him against letting his kids wander around the barn since awful things happened the last time a voice threatened Jim’s family over the phone. Predictably, the sourly unexpected phone call puts Jim on edge. Even though he tries to be a supportive father to Ethan, he inevitably ends up snapping at him when he brings Tabitha’s possible death up in conversation. As such, things remain tense for the Matthews in the Township, raising further questions about the forces keeping watch over them.

Fatima’s Abnormal Pregnancy Cravings

In the previous episode, while the Town remains low on food supplies, Fatima discovers a weird aspect of her pregnancy: she has cravings for rotten food. While the same would have been uncanny enough on its own, the nature of the pregnancy for the woman—who was told she couldn’t have kids before she arrived at the Town—adds another concerning layer to the matter. Even though Fatima tries to quell her cravings away from anyone else’s notice, Tilly catches her red-handed. Still, the older woman simply wants to help her out by trying to empathize with her struggles and normalize her experiences. Yet, it remains glaringly obvious that Tilly’s past cravings for eggshells are not quite the same as Fatima’s hunger for rotten produce.

Therefore, as Fatima expresses her other concerns over the pregnancy and her inability to share her fears with others, Tilly tries to help out through Tarot reading. Despite being skeptical initially, Fatima decides to give it a go after hearing about the other woman’s experiences. However, before Tilly can turn up the laid-out cards to parse out a spiritual answer about the baby’s safety, a crow flies itself to a nearby window. While it would have been feasible to write off the instance as a coincidence at first, the crow continues hurling itself against the window until it’s allowed to enter the Colony House, where he proceeds to fly to his death by colliding with a wall.

Considering the other supernatural things that go around the Town, it’s hard not to take the crow’s predicament as an omen of some kind regarding Fatima’s pregnancy. Culturally, the act of a bird flying into a window and dying can be a sign of bad luck, signifying the end of an upcoming event. Since Fatima was willing to try tarot reading to quell her fears, she would likely take the crow as another omen, darkening her and her baby’s future.

Boyd Wants to Take The Fight to The Creatures

Unlike the other characters who find themselves falling into traps of some kind throughout the episode, Boyd sets out to set a trap of his own. The Sheriff is still very clearly grieving the recent death of Tian-Chen and Father Khatri, with the latter becoming a recurring hallucination in Boyd’s mind. Nonetheless, he’s no longer satisfied with sitting around while bodies keep piling up in Town. For the same reason, he comes up with a plan to catch one of the creatures—alive and not dead this time around. Boyd believes that since they can use the talisman to ward off the creatures, it can also be used to trap them inside a shelter if needed.

As such, Boyd wants to use the same tactic to trap a Creature in the Town to interrogate it about its species and their secrets. He believes they can only defeat their adversaries by learning more about them. However, Ellis and Donna correctly point out that even if they were to catch one of the creatures, it would be near impossible to make them talk since they don’t seem to be able to hurt. Even Father Khatri’s voice in the Sheriff’s head emphasizes how rash and out-of-character the plan seems for the latter. Nevertheless, now that the idea has taken hold in Boyd’s mind, it’s impossible to get rid of. Therefore, the following night, he finds himself on the bus, Randall’s official shelter for the night. Ultimately, the Sheriff decides to take the first steps into his plan by keeping watch over the Creatures through the bus as they emerge from the woods at night.

Tabitha Finds Herself on a Familiar Path

As various storylines unfold in the Town, Tabitha undertakes her own quest in the outside world. Since crossing paths with Henry, she has learned a lot about Victor’s past through a new perspective. In this episode, she knows a new detail, trying Victor’s past to the mysteries within the Town. As it turns out, the glass-bottle-ridden tree found in the forest in Town is identical to an art installment done by Miranda, Victor’s mother. However, Henry reveals that the particular art piece in his backyard has an original counterpart in a nearby park. Consequently, the two decide to visit the Park to find some answers.

However, halfway through the drive, Tabitha finds a bracelet in Henry’s glove compartment. As per his account, Miranda made the bracelet for him years before she and the kids disappeared. The same, paired with the fact that Miranda’s apparent favorite song just happens to be Tabitha and Jim’s song, ticks off the ex-Town resident. Tabitha begins believing that everything that has happened after her exit from the Town is some sort of trick. However, Henry—who recently discovered that his son is still alive—isn’t willing to give up on a chance of reunion so easily.

As a result, despite Tabitha’s protests, Henry decides to drive them to the Park. Nevertheless, the minor conflict between the two leads to a car crash, which significantly injures the duo. Thus, Tabitha finds herself waking up in the back of an ambulance with a few paramedics who want to take her back to the hospital. Nonetheless, the same remains the least of her worries as the ambulance stumbles across a fallen tree in its path. The tree is the same one that initially became Tabitha and her family’s getaway to the Town. Therefore, now that she has found herself on the same road, it’s likely that she, Henry, and the paramedics will end up in the Town in the next episode.

Read More: From Season 3 Episode 1 Recap: Shatter