The crime noir show ‘Get Millie Black’ charts the tale of an enthralling investigation that threatens to turn the leading detective’s world upside down. Millie-Jean Black, a dedicated police officer, is known for working cases about missing people. Ever since her exit from London’s Scotland Yard, she has been solving cases as a part of the Jamaican Police Force alongside her partner Curtis. However, a peculiar case ends up in front of the two detectives that starts off with the disappearance of Janet Fenton and leads all the way to London-based gangs and a human trafficking ring.
Among the various elements that fall in the path of Curtis and Millie’s investigation, Hot Pinky Club, run by Alicia “Hit Girl” Bonnet, remains an intriguing addition. Apart from enhancing Alicia’s character, it also becomes one of the earliest details that define the more illicit parts of Millie’s world.
Hot Pinky Club is a Fictional Strip Club
Despite being crime-centric, ‘Get Millie Black’ is entirely a work of fiction that uses fictionalized elements to pen its story. As a result, most of the characters, criminal organizations, and establishments that become the narrative focus of the show are a creation of Marlon James and his creative team. Hot Pinky Club, the Jamaican strip club situated in downtown Kingston, is one such addition. The strip club remains confined to the show’s narrative and doesn’t sport any identical real-life counterparts in reality. It simply remains a world-building block utilized within the show to build the identity of the criminal world Millie and Curtis move in and out of during their police investigation.
Even so, the establishment serves to ground one of the key characters, Alicia Bonnet. The club’s owner is one of the more intriguing characters in the storyline. She always plays her own separate game, with her success as the primary motive. As a result, the Hot Pinky Club—an establishment she runs but doesn’t legally own—becomes a symbol of her power and her notable weakness. Consequently, the club plays a significant role in incorporating Alicia’s narrative with the central storyline since it remains the only reason for her involvement with Millie and her search after Freddie Sommerville.
As such, The Hot Pinky Club plays a crucial narrative role. It also serves to accentuate Alicia’s standing as a notable criminal player in the city, feeding into the tried-and-true trope of club owners with eyes and ears everywhere. Furthermore, the club informs the image of the rest of the criminal world that dominates the Downtown. Therefore, through narrative relevance that goes hand-in-hand with genre conventions, Alicia’s club fits right in the fictional world of ‘Get Millie Black.’ Nevertheless, while strip clubs are a perpetual reality, there aren’t any clubs in reality that become off-screen counterparts to The Hot Pinky Club.