Netflix’s ‘Christmas on Mistletoe Farm’ follows the story of a single father, Matt Cunningham, who uproots his and his children’s life to move to an idyllic village during the holiday season. He does so when he inherits a farm in the area. The feel-good comedy movie features Christmas and takes full advantage of the festive vibes that charm and exhilarate everyone.
Directed by Debbie Isitt, the movie stars a stellar cast comprising Scott Garnham, Scott Paige, Ashley Jensen, Celia Imrie, Kathryn Drysdale, and Carolyn Pickles, among others. If you’re curious to know more about the story and if it is based on a real-life incident, then we have all the details for you!
Christmas on Mistletoe Farm: A Fictional Tale by Debbie Isitt
‘Christmas on Mistletoe Farm’ is a fictional story. The movie is written and directed by Debbie Isitt, who has also written and directed the 2009 Christmas movie ‘Nativity!’ Hence, ‘Christmas on Mistletoe Farm’ is not Isitt’s first brush with Christmas. She has notable experience in the field of writing and directing movies, as the 2009 movie has had three sequels, proving how much the audience loves seeing her work in a festive atmosphere.
In an interview with Birmingham Rep, Isitt shared her experience working as a writer, director, and even actor in theatre as well. She also expressed her love for Christmas and her favorite activities during the festive season. ‘Christmas on Mistletoe Farm’ is the story of a city man who is forced to move to a village where he inherits a farm. He is a single father and loves his children a lot. On the one hand, he struggles to make himself feel at home in the strange new place, whereas his kids love the experience of rural life. They have the time of their lives and hence, decide to stay in the village permanently.
Matt’s kids think and execute crazy ideas and plan to convince their father to stay at the farm and leave their London life. Their efforts make the movie more fun and hilarious to watch. The Christmas backdrop furthers the feel-good element of the comedy flick. It focuses on various aspects of grief as well. This adds to the authenticity and originality of the movie’s concept. Not many feel-good flicks attach a rich backstory to the characters or talk about the sad parts of life.
‘Christmas on Mistletoe Farm’ captures the essence of real life where not everything is candies and rainbows. The children miss their mother and have not yet moved on from the sadness caused by her death. The shift to a new and exciting place makes them forget their worries about the city and gain a newer perspective on life.
Matt’s kids like having so many sweet people around who care for them, unlike their father, who remains busy with work. Matt does not even like the farm and wants to leave as soon as he possibly can. These realistic elements definitely make people wonder about the origins of the plot of the movie. Nonetheless, ‘Christmas on Mistletoe Farm’ is driven by a fictional narrative penned by Debbie Isitt.
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