The seventh episode of NBC’s action series ‘Chicago Fire’ season 11 follows an intriguing day of Firehouse 51. Chief Boden, Stella Kidd, and Carver deal with a stalker who tries his best to heckle the firefighters who are doing their job. Kidd’s attempts to empower girls to become tomorrow’s firefighters reach new heights and she receives special attention and appreciation from Boden. But what startled the viewers most has to be the life-threatening mission Christopher Herrmann has in front of him. Herrmann puts his life on the line to save a man who gets into an accident. So, what happens to him? Should the viewers worry about David Eigenberg’s future in the show? Let’s find out! SPOILERS AHEAD.
What Happened to Herrmann?
In the seventh episode of the eleventh season, Firehouse 51 attends an emergency call to save John, who gets stuck in his car since a beam-like structure has fallen on top of it. When Kidd tries to open the door to rescue John from suffocating and bleeding to death, Herrmann manages to get into the car and tries to stop the bleeding. He helps John to breathe and makes sure that he will not bleed life-threateningly. Under Kidd’s supervision, other firefighters try to get the car out from under the structure.
Meanwhile, a man from the crowd interferes with the intervention. He heckles Carver, who is in charge of crowd control. While Carver is distracted, a car passes through the region, disrupting Kidd and her firefighters’ efforts to save not only John but also Herrmann. Still, she manages to use whatever tools and equipment to get the car out, rescuing John and Herrmann. The senior firefighter comes out alive without any injuries. Still, Herrmann’s attempts to save John’s life by risking his own must have made the viewers curious about the actor’s supposed departure from the show. Here’s everything you need to know about the same.
David Eigenberg is Most Likely to Continue With His Role in Chicago Fire
As of yet, neither NBC nor David Eigenberg has released any statement concerning the departure of the actor from ‘Chicago Fire.’ Since Herrmann comes out alive from John’s car in the seventh episode of season 11, there isn’t any narrative gateway for Eigenberg to leave the show. However, the production of the second season of ‘Sex and the City’ revival and sequel series ‘And Just Like That…’ may turn out to be a worry for the admirers of Herrmann since Eigenberg plays Steve Brady in the HBO Max series.
Still, Eigenberg is expected to manage his schedules to work in both ‘Chicago Fire’ and ‘And Just Like That…’ rather than leaving NBC’s action drama. Since the actor hasn’t left ‘Chicago Fire’ to join the first season of ‘And Just Like That…,’ we can be hopeful that we don’t need to worry about Eigenberg’s commitment to the action drama. In fact, the actor has always made it clear how much ‘Chicago Fire’ means to him. “My heart and my soul is here in Chicago, with ‘Chicago Fire,’ with the stories here and with my colleagues,” Eigenberg told Us Weekly.
Considering Eigenberg’s words, we believe that he will most likely continue to be featured in ‘Chicago Fire.’ We can expect him to fulfill his other acting commitments without leaving the action drama. Since Blake Gallo is forming a connection with Herrmann’s niece Tracy behind his back, we can expect Eigenberg’s character to be heavily involved in the storyline.
Read More: How Did Evan Hawkins Die? Why Did Jimmy Nicholas Leave Chicago Fire?
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