‘Jawan’ is a Bollywood action thriller movie that revolves around a man determined to right the wrongs in society and get even with his past. While protecting his estranged son, he comes face to face against a dangerous and fearless outlaw who is the source of suffering for many. Co-written and directed by Atlee, the film features some of the biggest names in Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone, alongside other talented actors, including Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Priyamani, and Sanya Malhotra. If you are a fan of SRK or high-octane Bollywood films in general, you must be eager to know more details about this movie. In that case, we have got you covered!
What is Jawan About?
The narrative follows a former soldier named Vikram Rathore who is set to make amends for his dark past while keeping up to a promise he made several years ago. In the meanwhile, his long-lost son and police officer, Azaad Rathore, gets involved with a monstrous arms dealer, Kalee. Now, Vikram embarks on a deadly mission against Kalee and is determined to obliterate him for targeting his son and being the reason for suffering for many. Are you curious to find out the result of the high-stakes showdown between Vikram and Kalee? If yes, you will have to watch the film yourself, and here are all the ways you can do so!
Is Jawan on Netflix?
Netflix subscribers might be disappointed to know that ‘Jawan’ is unavailable for streaming on the platform. However, given its extensive catalog of content, you can turn to other alternatives that the streaming giant offers, including ‘Extraction 2‘ and ‘The Gray Man.’
Is Jawan on Hotstar?
No, ‘Jawan’ is not included in Hotstar’s massive library. Alternatively, you have the option to turn to some similar Indian action thrillers, including ‘Bang Bang‘ and ‘Action Jackson.’
Is Jawan on HBO Max?
HBO Max subscribers will need to look for ‘Jawan’ on other platforms as it is not available on the streamer. But don’t let it disappoint you too much as HBO Max offers various other alternatives, such as ‘Bullet to the Head‘ and ‘The Hunted.’
Is Jawan on Amazon Prime?
Amazon Prime Video doesn’t house ‘Jawan’ in its extensive library of content. However, you can still make good use of your subscription by tuning into similar action thriller films available on the streaming giant. You are likely to enjoy ‘Pathaan‘ and ‘3 Days to Kill.’
Where to Watch Jawan Online?
‘Jawan’ has been released exclusively in theaters for now, which means you don’t have the option to watch the Shah Rukh Khan starrer online, be it by streaming or purchasing. But if your patience is running thin and you wish to catch all the action on the big screen, you are more than welcome to check out show timings and book tickets on Fandango.
How to Stream Jawan For Free?
Since ‘Jawan’ is unavailable on any of the digital platforms, as mentioned above, there is currently no way for you to stream the film for free. All you can do is hope that it lands on any of the online platforms offering a free trial to its new subscribers. Having said that, we encourage our readers to always pay for the content they wish to consume instead of turning to unethical and illegal methods to do the same.
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