Directed by Seth Jarrett, Lifetime’s ‘I Killed My BFF: The Preacher’s Daughter’ (originally titled ‘Do Unto Others’’) is a thriller drama movie that mainly revolves around the perfect preacher’s daughter Lily, her twin brother Jason, and the charismatic Rae who brings a whirlwind of trouble in the lives of the former two. Working her charm, Rae manages to seduce Jason and become best friends with Lily at the same time. However, when Jason suddenly dies under suspicious circumstances, Lily suspects that Rae has something to do with it. Soon, Rae’s long-estranged daughter Scarlett makes her way back into her life.
Due to the doubts that Lily has about Rae, she tries to pull Scarlett away from her mother and instead introduces her to the church. Enraged by this, Rae decides to win her daughter back, and in the process, the enmity between the former best friends rises. While the use of some interesting locations has one asking questions about the actual filming sites, the realistic themes of manipulation and friends turned enemies portrayed in the film are enough to make one wonder if ‘I Killed My BFF: The Preacher’s Daughter’ is rooted in reality or not. Well, allow us to provide you with all the details that you might require!
Is I Killed My BFF: The Preacher’s Daughter a True Story?
Yes, ‘I Killed My BFF: The Preacher’s Daughter’ is inspired by a true story. The creative abilities and writing brilliance of Blake Berris and Danny Abel materialized the gripping story and dialogues of the movie. Both of them made the most of their experience in the industry as well. They likely took inspiration from a true event and took a few creative liberties while dramatizing it for the screen.
Although we cannot put a finger on the exact true story that inspired the Lifetime thriller, what we can say is that all the subjects and elements explored in the movie, including anger, betrayal, and murder, are all very common in real life as well. For instance, the same two screenwriters also worked on the 2015 movie ‘I Killed My BFF,’ which was also inspired by true events. As per reports from The Grand Forks Herald, it was based on the murder case of AnneMarie Camp. She was found murdered in May 1997.
Camp’s former best friend Jamie Dennis-Gianakos pleaded guilty in 2000 and claimed that it was her husband who committed the heinous crime. So, considering all the facts and points mentioned above, we infer that ‘I Killed My BFF: The Preacher’s Daughter’ is inspired by a true event, even though the exact event has not been revealed by the filmmakers, supposedly, to protect the families involved with the case.
I Killed My BFF: The Preacher’s Daughter Filming Locations
‘I Killed My BFF: The Preacher’s Daughter’ was filmed in New York State, specifically in Orange County. The principal photography for the thriller movie seemingly commenced in August 2017 and wrapped up in a month or so, in September of the same year. So, without wasting any time, let’s traverse through all the specific sites that feature in the Lifetime movie!
Orange County, New York
All the pivotal portions of ‘I Killed My BFF: The Preacher’s Daughter’ were lensed in Orange County, located in the southeastern region of New York State. First and foremost, the church scenes were reportedly recorded in and around an actual church, that is, Circleville Evangelical Presbyterian Church at 890 Goshen Turnpike in the hamlet of Circleville which is situated in Orange County’s Town of Wallkill.
In addition, during the production schedule, the cast and crew members of the drama film were spotted taping several key sequences in the town of Warwick and the city of Port Jervis, both in Orange County. There are many points of interest in the county, including the Harness Racing Museum & Hall of Fame, the Bull Stone House, the Galleria at Crystal Run, the Woodbury Common Premium Outlets, and Goosepond Mountain State Park, to name a few.
I Killed My BFF: The Preacher’s Daughter Cast
Megan West and Carly Pope portray the two best friends, Lily Adler and Rae Chastain, respectively. The former has a significant amount of experience in the film industry so you might find her face familiar. She features in ‘This Is Us,’ ‘Person of Interest,’ and ‘How to Get Away with Murder.’ As for Carly Pope, she has also worked in numerous productions over the course of her long acting career. However, she is known for her roles in ‘I’ve Been Waiting for You,’ ‘Trapped in a Purple Haze,’ and ‘Popular.’
The two leads are supported by a number of supporting actors and actresses, such as Joel Gretsch (Pastor Adler), Matthew James Ballinger (Jason Adler), Katherine Reis (Scarlett Chastain), Markley Rizzi (Shawn), and Abby Royce (Mary-Beth Adler). Other cast members who play pivotal roles in the movie are Seamus Boyle (Young Pastor Todd), Wayne Pyle (Darryl), Allen Wall (Hardcore Raver), and Joanna Brumley (Bible Thumper).
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