The second season of Starz’s drama series ‘P-Valley’ follows Lil Murda’s emergence as a renowned rapper. The praises he receives for his Dirty Dozen tour give him the confidence to take his career as an artist to the next level. In the ninth episode of the second season, he shows up at The Pynk with famed singer Tina Snow, who gives him an opportunity to tour with her. In the second season finale, the rapper considers the same and thinks about leaving Chucalissa to pursue his dream. So, does that mean we have seen the last of J. Alphonse Nicholson’s Lil Murda in the show? Let us provide the answer! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Lil Murda’s Fate in P-Valley
After the performance with Tina Snow on the reopening night of The Pynk, Lil Murda starts to think about joining the singer for a tour. Uncle Clifford, knowing how much the tour will help her lover’s career, encourages the rapper to leave. Even though she loves him, she doesn’t want to come between Murda and his dreams. She knows that how much the tour will boost his career as a rapper and she doesn’t want to be the reason behind his stagnation if he chooses to not leave Chucalissa for her. However, Murda thinks differently. At Ernestine’s party, he reveals to Clifford that he has decided against joining the tour.
The last time Murda prioritizes his career, he lost Clifford. He doesn’t want to repeat the same mistake by leaving Chucalissa. After losing Clifford, he is fortunate enough to have a second chance at their relationship, and he cannot risk jeopardizing the same by leaving the city of Mississippi. Clifford, however, fails to tolerate Murda’s stance. She fears whether he will regret his decision once he stays for her. She doesn’t want to make love to a person who regrets being there for her. But Murda makes a statement by kissing her in front of their acquaintances, coming out as a couple with Clifford.
Murda’s actions convince Clifford as well. Rather than continuing to change Murda’s mind, she seemingly accepts his decision to not leave her. Thus, we believe that Murda is likely not leaving Chucalissa and Clifford. The rapper considering leaving the city has alarmed the fans of the show, who must be worrying whether the possibility indicates J. Alphonse Nicholson’s exit from the show. Well, here’s what we know.
J. Alphonse Nicholson is Most Likely to Continue His Role
As of yet, neither Starz nor J. Alphonse Nicholson has released an announcement regarding the supposed departure of the actor from ‘P-Valley.’ Since Lil Murda is expected to not leave Chucalissa, the actor may remain a part of the show’s cast if it gets renewed for the third season. In addition, the actor has recently expressed his wish to see the show get a longer future on the network. “I see P-Valley going for five, six seasons, for sure,” Nicholson told Express. “They’re [Starz] very invested in supporting stories created by Black women, so I think if they continue moving in that direction P-Valley has some longevity over here at Starz,” he added.
If the third season gets greenlit by Starz, we can hope that Nicholson will be a part of the same. Since Lil Murda is one of the most prominent characters of the show, it is unlikely that his storyline will get wrapped up soon, especially after he most likely decides to stay in Chucalissa. Considering these factors, we believe that J. Alphonse Nicholson will continue featuring in ‘P-Valley’ if the network greenlits the third season of the show.
Read More: Who Sings P-Valley Theme Song? Where Can I Listen to it?